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章程之订定与变更。Regulations modify and set.

一三章程之订定及修改。Enactment and revision of articles.

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而王章程连女朋友都没有。But Wang even did not have a girlfriend.

公司章程和保持董事会会议记录Corporate bylaws and maintaining board minutes

所有赞成修改章程的,请说“赞成”!Everyone in favor of the amendment, say "aye!"

第一个方案是载人的章程,在那里您。The first option are Crewed Charters , where you.

有些人对该章程草案提出了批评。Drafts of the Bylaws have attracted some criticism.

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章程之订定与变更。I. The formation and alteration of the Constitution.

拟订工业同业公会章程草案。Draw out the draft of articles for industrial board of trade.

英国门萨协会的章程中把埃利斯列为它们有史以来最年轻的会员。The UK chapter of Mensa says Elise is the youngest-ever member.

章程的内容必须和简章一致。The content of the articles must be consistent with the memorandum.

第三十四条本章程自登记机关予以登记之日起生效。Item Thirty-four The regulations take effect on the registering day.

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会员章程及俱乐部规则已阅,并了解和接受所阅内容。Club By-Laws and House Rules have been read, understood, and accepted.

项目章程是正式批准项目的文件。The project charter is the document that formally authorizes a project.

1264年,沃尔特给“默顿的学者们”起草了一个章程。In 1264 Walter drew up statutes for a "house of the scholars of Merton".

修改俱乐部章程的问题在上次会议上提出审议了。The question of changing the club's rules was mooted at the last meeting.

本章程如有未尽善处,本署有权随时修改。This Department reserves the right for any amendments in this prospectus.

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本章程如有未尽善处,本会有权随时修改。This Association reserves the right for any amendments in this prospectus.

如果没有章程,该组织将在一段时间内不太一致。If there are no bylaws, the organization will be less consistent over time.

第三部分是公司章程的无效及法律救济。The third part is the company's charter and the invalidity of Legal Remedy.