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不过,他逃之夭夭,没有受到惩罚。But he escaped and got off scot-free.

一辆卡车从简的猫咪身上碾过后逃之夭夭。A lorry ran over Jane's cat and sped away.

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拉乌夫后来从巴基斯坦的看管之下逃之夭夭。Rauf later escaped from Pakistani custody.

那男孩一把抢去弹珠便逃之夭夭。The boy clutched the marbles and ran away.

假若遇到危险,它会喷出墨汁出来,然后逃之夭夭。In case of danger, it will eject ink out, then decamp.

所以怪鱼一入水后尾巴一摆逃之夭夭。So strange fish a go into behind water tail a put to flee.

当尤达使用原力拯救他的绝地同伴时,杜库逃之夭夭。As Yoda used the Force to save his fellow Jedi, Dooku fled.

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小偷带着浑身的抓痕和青肿逃之夭夭。The thief got away, but not without some scratches and bruises.

火烧火燎中,他抓了了一卷彩票逃之夭夭。While in flames, he grabbed a roll of lottery tickets and fled.

科涅利亚年轻的时完全可以精挑细选,然而她说的话即使让那些老鳏夫也会逃之夭夭。Even yet she's only to say the word to see the old widowers jump.

他们已经带着价值数千镑的首饰逃之夭夭了。They had already escaped away with jewelries worth thousands of pounds.

问题和挑战仿佛从自信者身上逃之夭夭。It’s as if problems and challenges run from the person who has confidence.

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院方立即报了警,但将这名女孩带来的夫妇却已逃之夭夭。The police were called but the couple who had brought her had already fled.

先是从学校,再是从城市,现在,在她的梦里也逃之夭夭了。The first is from school, and then from the city, now, in her dream also decamp.

倒霉鬼光顾他们,两名强盗杀了全家后便逃之夭夭了。The black ox has trampled on them. Two robbers killed all family members and ran away.

造物主赋予野外的走兽以本能,一遇到突如其来的危险威胁就逃之夭夭。Nature has taught the beasts of the field to fly when some unheralded danger threatens.

欧比-万砍断了格里弗斯几只持剑的手,迫使这位将军逃之夭夭。Obi-Wan sheared off several of Grievous' lightsaber hands, and forced the General to flee.

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那个汽车司机看到这一切后,迅速地摇上汽车玻璃,逃之夭夭。When the car driver saw this, he quickly closed the window Of the car and drove away."What

甚至在大狗追逐猫的时候,猫突然回转身,呜呜喷气,发出嘶嘶声,大狗通常也会逃之夭夭。Even a big dog usually runs away if the cat it is chasing suddenly turns, puffs up, and hisses.

布拉基斯在这场悲剧中罪孽深重,新共和国把多尔夫绳之以法,布拉基斯逃之夭夭。Consumed by guilt over the tragedy, Brakiss fled while the New Republic brought Dolph to justice.