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你为什麽不到我这儿来享享清福呢?Why don't you come to my place to enjoy the life?

一个鸡蛋五克盐,水果绿茶享清福。An egg five grams of salt, fruit, green tea enjoying.

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沃伦•巴菲特给儿子留下的财产,足以让他追逐自己的梦想,但还不足以让他空享清福。warren buffett gave his son enough to follow his dream, but not enough to do nothing.

大家都知道,你从祖父母那里得到一大笔遗产。你现在可以退休在家享清福了吧!Everyone knows that you've received a large inheritance from your grandparents. You can retire now.

说罢,小伙子给了父亲一百个银币,告诉父亲,“以后再也不会缺钱了,好好享清福吧。”And he gave the father a hundred talers, and said, "You shall never know want, live as comfortably as you like."

说罢,小伙子给了父亲一百个银币,告诉父亲从此以后再也不会缺钱花了,好好享清福吧。See, I have more than enough money. " Then he gave the father a hundred talers , saying, "You shall never need anything.

有人认为45岁,因为你已经完成了抚养子女的义务,可以享享清福了。Some people think that 45-year-old, because you have completed the obligations of raising children, you can enjoy enjoying the.

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是吗?你卖掉了这个无价之宝不就可以享清福,不再去创业了吗?你的运气太好了。Really? You can enjoy your happy life and do not have to start you business after you have sold this invaluable treasure. You are so lucky.

不仅周本人破产了,整个家庭都背上了沉重的债务。他们欠了身为农民,原计划享清福的周的父母的钱,也欠了周的朋友的钱。Not only is Zhou broke, but the family is deeply in debt to his parents -- farmers who were hoping to have retired by now -- as well as friends.

操老了一辈子的她,该坐下来享享清福了,但她还是要去山上去砍柴,摘杨梅。Speak getting old she all one's life, should sit, get off, enjoy and enjoy the happiness of leisure, but she wants to cut firewood at the mountain, pluck the red bayberry.