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这些烟煤可以用来做什么?What can we do with the bituminous coal?

烟煤一般被视作一种质地均匀一致的产品。Bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product.

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石油焦的燃烧特性指数大约处于烟煤和无烟煤之间。The combustion parameters of petroleum coke are between soft coal and anthracite.

艾伯塔省煤总蕴藏量超过340亿吨,其中以亚烟煤为主。Coal reserves total over 34 billion tonnes consisting primarily of sub-bituminous coal.

石油焦的燃烧特性处于烟煤和无烟煤之间。The combustion characters of petroleum coke were between those of soft coal and anthracite.

研究表明,影响烟煤爆炸性能的因素是多种多样的。Previous study has showed that the factors affecting the bitumite explosiveness are various.

GF的变化趋势表明,混煤的燃烧性能随烟煤比例的增加而增加。The variation of GF with the change of blend ratio reveals a strong dependence on blending ratio.

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在滴管炉上进行了烟煤添加固体吸附剂的燃烧实验。Experiments were carried out on laboratory-scale pulverized coal combustion with different adsorbents.

研究了两种烟煤和玉米淀粉、石权子粉粉尘层的反应动力学参数。A study on reaction kinetics of maize, lycopodium and two kinds of bituminous dust layers are presented.

同时,煤种适应广泛,褐煤、烟煤、无烟煤、柴煤都适用。Meanwhile, the boilers can adapt wide range of coal, such as lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite, wood coal.

以甲苯为溶剂在半连续装置上对神府、抚顺和大同三种年轻烟煤进行了超临界萃取研究。The supercritical extraction of Shenfu, Fushun and Datong coals is investigated on a semi- continuous apparatus.

介绍了集贤煤田东荣区烟煤各种粘结性指标间的相互关系及相应的回归方法。The interrelation between all kinds of cohesiveness target of bituminous coal and regression equation are introduced.

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春耕之后,泥土油亮而乌黑,像是被遍布全州的大矿脉里松软的烟煤染过似的。After spring plowing it looks oil-blackened or colored by the soft coal which occurs in great veins throughout the state.

为燃用贫煤、烟煤和煤矸石等劣质燃料且锅炉炉膛高度较低的电站技改,提供了一种切实可行的方法。The successful renovation provided a feasible method to retrofit some boilers with lower heights and burning low-grade coals.

用硅胶色谱柱将平朔烟煤吡啶抽提物分离成八种不同馏分。Some fractions with low molecular weight have been obtained by silica gel chromatography separation of Pingshuo coal extracts.

介绍了在立窑上采用高硫烟煤进行生产试验的情况。The productive testing situation using bituminous coal containing high sulfur in shaft kiln has been introduced in this paper.

鞍钢喷吹烟煤的试验成功,实现了我国喷吹烟煤技术的突破。Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation's successful experiment of injecting bitumite is a technological breakthrough in our country.

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实验中选用的再燃燃料为小龙潭褐煤、富拉尔基褐煤和大同烟煤及其煤焦,以及添加不同催化剂的大同烟煤焦。In the experiments were used three pulverized coals and its chars and bituminous char with appended catalysts as reburning fuel.

结果表明,在喷吹无烟煤中加入烟煤、助燃剂、富氧、提高风温等均能提高煤粉的燃烧性能。The results show every measure can improve the combustion properties, the effect of oxygen-enriched blast is especially notable.

采用试验方法对几种高挥发分烟煤的爆炸性及燃烧性进行了研究。The explosive properties and combustibility of some high volatility soft coals are investigated by the lab experimentation method.