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他在谴责那个。He's condemning that.

但是没有人谴责她。But nobody gave a damn.

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斯潘塞谴责自己。Spencer blamed himself.

他们不该受到谴责。They were not to blame.

大多数人都谴责战争。Most people condemn war.

你们必将受到强烈的谴责。You will be slaughtered.

这书谴责了她的丈夫。The book damns her husband.

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他被谴责为骗子。He was denounced as a cheat.

我拒绝受到谴责.I’ve rejected the condemnation.

纳瓦再次被谴责。The Nagual was once again blamed.

这位作者谴责那种说法。This author really condemns that.

我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。We condemn all sorts of slanders.

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O'Neal为此谴责马刺。For this, O'Neal blames the Spurs.

我既不会审判他们,也不会谴责他们。I would not judge nor rebuke them.

她这行为引来了一个合唱团的谴责。In reply came a chorus of rebukes.

该委员会谴责新法律。The council denounced the new law.

他谴责“法国傲慢自大”。He has denounced "French arrogance".

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如果我们失败了,会遭到谴责。And if we fail, they will denounce us.

每个人都谴责他的赌博生涯。Everyone decried his life of gambling.

他和我应受谴责。是我们的过失。He and I are to blame. It's our fault.