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他是如此明智。He was so wise.

这段话比较晦涩,但是很明智。Ugly, but sensible.

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她那样做是明智的。She was wise to do that.

它的行为太不明智啦。It, too, has acted unwisely.

保持冷静和明智。Remain calm and levelheaded.

我觉得这是明智的想法。It's a sensible idea.I think.

观看剧目里的陌生角色,是否明智?in this strangest of theatres?

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预作准备是明智的。It is advisable to be forearmed.

请明智地花费你所拥有的。Please use what you have wisely.

做出明智决策的十个步骤Ten Steps to Wise Decision-Making

避免战争被认为是明智的。It was adjudged wise to avoid war.

让我们做一个明智的检查。So let's do a little sanity check.

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明智的领袖善于纳谏。A wise leader knows when to follow.

选择四美达是你明智的选择!Choose the smart is a smart choice!

在这混乱的世界最明智的选择是。Sanest choice in this insane world.

我将明智的挑选朋友。V. I will choose my friends wisely.

我们现在做了一个明智的检查。So I have a little sanity check now.

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读史令人明智,读诗令人灵秀。Histories make man wise, poems witty.

把体育运动商业化并不明智。It isn't wise to commercialize sport.

那经理明智地做出了决定。The manager made the decision wisely.