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她多大年纪了?How old is she?

我在你那个年纪的时候是在1975年。I was your age in 1975.

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风华正茂的年纪。The age of their youth.

现在我年纪大了,级别高了。Now I'm gray and august.

她看来没有那么大年纪。She does not look her age.

古典音乐的听众年纪可能大一些。it could be older audience.

这两棵老树有多大年纪了?How old are these two trees?

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安的年纪大而露西年纪小。Ann is old and Lucy is young.

洁茹是孤儿院里年纪最大的孩子,她今年已经十八岁了。she was already 18 years old.

我甚至连她的年纪也猜不着。I can't even guess at her age.

我喜欢年纪大点儿的这个。这个。I like the older one.This one.

他尽管年纪小,力气倒蛮大的。If he is little, he is strong.

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你比查理布朗年纪大么?Are you older than Charlie Brown?

因上了年纪他变得丢三落四的。He became absent-minded with age.

他年纪愈大变得愈有智能。He became wiser as he grew older.

她的姑母几乎看不出有那么大年纪。Her aunt scarcely looked her age.

日子太快没发过,年纪太轻死不了。Too old to live, too young to die.

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他年纪更老了,然而他的头脑变得更加敏锐了。His wits sharpened even he's older.

尽着年纪大的坐。Let the older people sit down first.

我们的学生年纪从22岁到62岁。Our student age range from 22 to 62.