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孙艺文和夏乐安在厕所里写字。Sun Yiwen and Xia Lean are write in the toilet.

由此可见,其艺文生命的丰富性颇值得探究。Thus, the richness of its literature life, rather to be examined.

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对于喜欢待在室内的旅客,德国也提供了很多艺文活动。For the tourist who prefers to stay indoors, Germany also offers many cultural activities.

在当时特殊的政经环境与艺文潮流下,其风格特质的成因究竟何在?How did it happen in the special enviroment of politics and finansial and the trend of arts?

北京艺文演出有限责任公司隶属于北京文化艺术音像出版社。Beijing Yiwen Performance Ltd. Co. is affiliated to Beijing Culture & Art Audio& Video Publishing House.

快乐家庭日。我女儿艺文,她堂姐及妈妈,我家阿姨.艺文是导游正用地图.。Happy family day. my daughter Even, her cousin and her mother, my housekeeper. Even is guide using the map.

艺文护照由学生自行保管,若有遗失得申请补发,但申请补发者每本酌收工本费伍拾元。Students should take good care of their Arts Passport and may apply for reissue of the passport if they lose it.

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另外办理「医院参访」及「艺文展览」等活动,亦对形象的提升具统计上显著。"Hospital Interviews" and "Literature and Fine Arts" activities had statistical significance for uplifting images.

园内课程提供了各式各样的艺文活动及计划,让幼童发挥其创造及自我表现的能力。Our program includes numerous art activities and projects that promote individual creativity and personal expression.

本课程的焦点包括各种文化的生产及消费,例如影展及地方艺文空间。The focus of this course includes aspects of cultural production and consumption, e. g. , film festival and artist spaces.

著名的东海大学圣诞活动表已发布,有不少艺文或宗教活动哦!The well-known Xmas events of Tunghai University has issued its schedule, including many cultural or religious activities.

分享,讨论各类书籍,报章杂志和艺文活动讯息。Share the information about books, magazines and supplements of newspapers you have read or activities about display and play.

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近代女诗人秋瑾的革命事业众所周知,然本文拟由她的艺文生命以观看她的身分认同问题。Modern poetess Qiu Jin's revolutionary cause is well known, ran this article to be by her artistic life, to view the issue of her identity.

假若他们沉浸在一些艺文活动上,那麽他们就像颗磁铁般,紧紧缠著不放,之后他们便会因太过于兴奋而忘却了疼痛或疲劳。If they're caught up in some artistic activity, grasped by the action itself—as by a magnet—then they are too excited to feel pain or fatigue.

全球主要艺文机构还没有正式签约,包括以追求尚未实现的梦想著称的古根汉博物馆。Most of the major cultural institutions have yet to sign on officially, and the Guggenheim, for one, is well known for chasing unrealized dreams.

运用博物馆及艺文展示空间之手法,将其收藏之艺术品陈列其中,和谐的融入居住空间。The techniques of the museum and the gallery are fully implemented in this design. Blending the art collection in the living space makes it arty and visionary.

随著经济发达和艺文教育普及,香港、澳门、珠三角城市群落居民很多时候真的是不惜千金、但求陶醉于阳春白雪之中。Equipped of better means and education, the people of Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta region are scrambling for more sophisticated form of enjoyment.

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家画廊将不定期通知您最新的艺文展览资讯,请您填写以下资料即可完成订阅家画廊电子报,谢谢。Jia Art Gallery will be mailing the latest art news on a regular basis. Please complete the following form to become Jia Art Gallery's e-newsletter member. Thank you.

短短几年内,书包大王已成为学术界、艺文界与摄影界中最具「文气」的象徵。In just a few short years, The King of Bookbags has come to be known among educators, cultural elites, and photographers alike as a symbol of education and refinement.

从致力成为绿色城市、改善都市宜居性、到鼓励艺文活动,人们时常谈起高雄,也总是充满乐观和前瞻性。From efforts to green the city and improve livability to encouraging the arts and vibrancy, Kaohsiung was continually being discussed with optimism and an eye to the future.