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这个地区雨量充足。Rainfall is plentiful in the area.

屯门录得三十毫米雨量纪录。Tuen Mun recorded 30mm of rainfall.

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庄稼因雨量不足而遭受损害。The crops are suffering from deficient rain.

分析了两个中型系统影响雨量分布的实例。Two case-studies are made of these meso-systems.

然而,偶尔雨量增大,盐场则溢水成湖。Occasional rains do, however, fill them with water.

不过,地球上雨量最大的地区最终可能达到我们这儿。But the rainiest place on Earth might reach us, eventually.

发芽比平常提早了几天,且雨量又较少。Bud burse occurred several days ahead of normal with less rain than usual.

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艾伯丁裂谷雨量丰沛、湖谷幽深、火山土肥沃并有丰富的生物多样性。The Rift is rich in rainfall, deep lakes, volcanic soil, and biodiversity.

常年寒露期间,华南雨量亦日趋减少。Perennial Cold Dews , the rainfall in southern China has increasingly reduced.

并且,西部地区雨量丰沛,为泥石流和滑坡的发生提供了很好的条件。Precipitation in the west of China, it is one causes of debris-flow and sides.

中非共和国西南部土地非常肥沃,雨量一直很好。The south-west of the country is extremely fertile and rainfall has been good.

四季分明,气候温和,光照充足,雨量欠丰。Four seasons, mild climate and adequate illumination, due to abundance of rainfall.

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其次,文章详述了自动雨量站的具体实现。Secondly, the specifications of the autonomous rain station are explained in detail.

属中亚热带季风气候,温暖湿润,雨量充沛,四季分明。Are in sub-tropical monsoon climate, warm and humid, rainfall, four distinct seasons.

在雨量方面,它没有问题尚存,只要它是在一个良好的排水区域。In rainfall areas, it has no trouble surviving, provided it is in a well-drained area.

但是,图中的雨量总计并未与该地录得的雨量完全吻合。The rainfall totals in this image don’t perfectly match totals recorded on the ground.

本研究主要目的在于建立一套架构于格网系统之山区道路边坡雨量观测方法。This study aims to perform a method for monitoring rainfall along mountain road slopes.

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庄稼收获量的多少与土质和雨量有着密切的关系。The size of the crop is a function of the quality of the soil and the amount of rainfall.

雨日和雨量较多能增加有效株数,提高纤维支数。More precipitation amount and rain days helped to increase effective stalks and fiber fineness.

印度今年雨季的雨量减少,气温灼热。India has been experiencing much weaker annual monsoon rains this year and searing temperatures.