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世界之大,无奇不有!There's a whole, wide world out there!

天下之大,无奇不有。In the great world wonders never cease.

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但是,世界无奇不有,所以你永远不会知道会发生什么。But the world is full of wonders, so you never know.

这个世界总是无奇不有,阿尔弗雷德,但你是男人,一定要学会忍。Alfred, but you are a man now and you must learn to take it on the chin.

真是世界之大无奇不有啊,晚上10点以后在瑞士公寓使用卫生间冲水马桶是违法行为。Bizarrely, flushing the toilet in a Swiss apartment is illegal after 10pm.

她天马行空、无奇不有的的想象力是无人能及的。She have a powerful and unconstrained style, the imagination is and no one.

当年有聊天室、讨论组、约会以及分类广告,无奇不有。There were chat rooms, discussion groups, dating, classified ads—you name it.

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世界之大无奇不有世上最“悬”的房子你见过吗?。The World Bank does not have a world without large most "left" of the house you seen?

世界上真是无奇不有,而且其中几乎所有的事情都是我以前从来没有听说过的。There are so many unusual things in the world and nearly all of them are unheard before.

这种仍在暗中进行、但已隐约可见的危机可说是无奇不有。No singularity was lacking to this still subterranean crisis, which was already perceptible.

大千世界,无奇不有,对于男人这种“小姨子情结”你是如何看待的呢?There are lots of odd things in the boundless world. How do you think of the men's "sister-in-law complex"?

在这样一个无奇不有想怎样就怎样的社会,何以才能让信息去传达事实?How can information be representative of truth again in a world where everything and specially anything goes?

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技术已成为这个世界进入一个不同的无奇不有,有些他们好得是真实的。Technology has turned this world into a different one full of wonders some of them being too good to be true.

在我们仔细的观察下,我们发现了许许多多无奇不有的鸟类,像是苍鹭、大白鹭、和黑面琵鹭等等。After our successful observation, we had discovered many birds, such as Heron, and also Egrets Alba and so on.

菜式特别富有创意,口味比较清淡,用料也十分广泛,各种各样的珍馐百味无奇不有。Particularly creative dishes that tastes more tepid , the materials used are very wide variety of delicacy fed to non-be.

政治时事,民意投选,轻松小本,照片分享…无奇不有,应有尽有!From serious political and current affairs to polling, fun anecdotes and photo sharing, we have diversity and broadcast variety!

在慕尼黑的商店里几乎什么东西都买得到,从巴伐利亚的传统服饰、木雕品,到珠宝及手工做的德国玩具无奇不有。Just about everything from Bavarian costumes and wood carvings to jewelry and handmade German toys can be found in Munich's sho.

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在慕尼黑的商店里几乎什么东西都买得到,从巴伐利亚的传统服饰、木雕品,到珠宝及手工做的德国玩具无奇不有。Just about everything from Bavarian costumes and wood carvings to jewelry and handmade German toys can be found in Munich's shops.

在慕尼黑的商店里几乎什麽东西都买得到,从巴伐利亚的传统服饰、木雕品,到珠宝及手工做的德国玩具无奇不有。Just about everything from Bavarian costumes and wood carvings to jewelry and handmade german toys can be found in Munich's shops.

大千世界无奇不有,我们平常所看到的龟都是生活在陆地上或水里面的而今天我们将要看到的龟却是在天上飞。Nothing is too strange in the world. The turtle we usually see lives on land or in water. But today, we will see the flying turtle.