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我没有情由活下去。I got no reason to live!

以下情由可以说明注解我的主张。The following reasons can work cause of my opinion.

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例?所以!这就是雅虎重感冒的情由!。Thus! this is the rewhilston why I caugustht a wrong cold.

以色列人说,请你将这件恶事的情由对我们说明。Then said the children of Israel, Tell us, how was this wickedness?

掌声停了是由于一条谨慎的仿佛有理的条款惹起的情由。The requestlause paused key cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.

无情无义的爱情由义务形成,而没有亲密和激情。Empty love consists of the commitment component without intimacy or passion.

常绿不问情由责怪蕊红,直到看见蕊红的脚流血才知怪错她。Evergreen I blame red, until see core red feet bleeding know wrong to blame her.

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马切的加盟让我很首肯,有两个情由。I'm hprair coolingticwouls applicationy that 'Masche' has joined us for two reasons.

他的女朋友有几个吧,有对他好的也有他自己情由独中。孰是孰非要看测卦具体时间。Please write down the local date and time when he did this. It is he who did this right?

先诉情由的,似乎有理。但邻舍来到,就察出实情。The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.

另一个令人振奋的融合为你的心情由甜茴香,柠檬,甜马郁兰精油。Another blend for uplifting your mood consists of sweet fennel, lemon and sweet marjoram essential oils.

另一个令人振奋的融合为你的心情由甜茴香,柠檬,甜马郁兰精油。Another blend for uplifting your mood consists of sweet fennel , lemon and sweet marjoram essential oils.

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让我来讲另一个底子情由来试着了解中国,这或许是一个让人不惬意的情由。Let me offer you another building block to try to understand China, maybe it's not such a comfortable one.

例?末了!但并非最不紧张!教育上的缺失是滋长青少年犯警的情由。Lwhilstt still ! no lewhilstt! the shortcoming in educ is the cause contristill ! ing to juvenile delinquency.

乙方可根据事实情由解除合同,已收取的法律顾问费用不予退回。In this instance, Party B is entitled to cancel the contract and the counseling fee paid shall not be refunded.

是的,在所有的感情中,激情给了我们生活下去的情由,却也给我们了犯下种种罪刑的砌词。Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.

由于大使有急事回国了,这件事情由临时代办处理解决。Because the ambassador has returned to his country for an emergency, this affair will be handled by the charged'affaires.

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是以,我的结论是,即使你在事变中获得了庞大的前进,你也没有任何情由妄自尊大。So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don't think there's any reasons for him to be.

另一个主要情由是私家车过多而公交车不够。Another primary reason is thtoward there seem to be too myoury privingested cars rather not enough public motorcoair conditioning unithses.

因为他们将会变成一个大的存在的一部分,那正在浮现的政府们,他们将会在一个每件事情由之发生的的平台之上。Because if they could become part of large, emerging governments, they will be on the ground floor of everything that happens from then on.