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生命垂危的重病有可能不能转危为安了。There may be no turning back for life-limiting illnesses.

看来,多亏了糙米中的某种物质,日本海军才转危为安。There was something in that brown rice that seemed to save the day.

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她病情严重,医生好不容易使她转危为安。Her illness was serious but the doctors managed to bring her through.

陈永寿在李致勋不顾一切的抢救下终于转危为安。Yong-shou Chen in Li Zhixun desperate rescue finally turned the corner.

汽艇很快甩掉了迪沙,岸上有阿唐和达伟,最后总算再次转危为安。Boat dumped dean sand, soon TangHeDa wei, o shore has finally turn again.

他说,如果能在30分钟内实施科学的降温措施,大多数人都能转危为安。Most people survive if you can adequately cool them in 30 minutes, he says.

曼联球迷都想当然地认为范德萨能够转危为安。United fans have come to take for granted that van der Sar will save the day.

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在此之前,无论出了什么事,我都可以依靠爸爸妈妈转危为安,但这次他们什么都帮不上,我只能靠自己来解决。There was nothing that they could do this time. I had to handle it all on my own.

他说,如果你的鞋子磨坏了,一双和鞋子颜色一样的平底帆可能会让你转危为安。If you scuff a shoe, he reveals, "A Sharpie the color of your shoe can save the day!"

比德尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下使他转危为安。Bedell was seriously wounded, but Bettie, with the help of the doctor, finally brought him through.

以前有过人从飞机上的洞被吸出去的先例,但有经验的飞行员往往可以转危为安。People have been sucked through holes in airplanes before, but skilled pilots can often save the day.

比德尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下使他转危为安。Henry Bedell was seriously wounded, but Bettie finally brought him through with the help of the doctor.

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亨利彼得尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下终于使他转危为安。Henry Bedell was seriously wounded , but Bettie finally brought him through with the help of the doctor.

亨利。比德尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下终于使他转危为安。Henry Bedell was seriously wounded, but Bettie, with the help of the doctor, finally brought him through.

富国证券公司经济学家,杰伊布赖森表示2011年将是美国经济转危为安的一年。Jay Bryson, an economist at Wells Fargo Securities, says 2011 will be the year the U.S. economy turns a corner.

亨利比德尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下终于使他转危为安。Henry Biddle, although the injury serious, but Betty causes him under doctor's help to be out of danger finally.

是阿纳金的飞行技艺使他们转危为安,他将星际飞船的残骸迫降在废弃的工业区。It was Anakin's piloting skills that saved the day, landing the wreck of the starship in an abandoned industrial area.

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第三类战场上危在旦夕而只要你及时赶到就可以转危为安的事在生活中是什么呢?What are the 3s in your life that are dying on the battlefield but which can still be saved if you reach them in time?

危机管理是相对正常管理而存在的一种非常规管理,重在转危为安,贵在机制建设。Emergency management is a non-formal administration compared to formal administration. Its key is to get safety and the importance is to set up mechanism.

韩国、印尼和印度周四公布的新数据全都显示出价格上涨,表明这些经济体已经暂时转危为安,战胜了通缩压力。New figures released Thursday from Korea, Indonesia and India all show prices increasing, a sign that these economies have turned the corner and beaten deflationary pressures for now.