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该系统于2002年投入使用,并在使用过程中始终保持良好的现势性。This system has been used since 2002, and keeps changing with reality.

保持GIS数据的现势性是GIS应用和发展的“瓶颈”。It is vital to keep GIS data "fresh" for application and development of GIS.

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为了保持用户数据库现势性,需将数据库更新过程中产生的增量信息及时发布给用户。For keeping reality of user's database, the incremental information created by updating need to be given to users in time.

采用像素数的变化比率的方法来实现半自动栅格地图数据的现势性检查。So, this article uses the change ratio of the pixel number to realize the automatic currency check of raster graphic data.

要从现在的提供静态测量数据和资料转变到实时提供现势地理信息。Provide static measurements from the current data and information are powerful transition to real-time geographic information.

导航电子地图作为导航系统的重要基础,数据的现势性如何直接影响到导航的准确与否。Digital navigation map is fundamental part for VNS, so map data actuality will directly exert an influence on navigation accuracy.

这样不断减少了设计者的工作量,而且提高了城市设计的科学性和现势性。From this method, not only decline in the designer's work, but also improve the urban design of a scientific nature and present situation.

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本文以一门课的教材为例,说明抓教材的现势性已经刻不容缓。Taking cartography for example. this paperillustrates that grasping the modern tendency of teaching material is a task which brooks no delay.

这样不仅可以快速更新境界要素的各种数据,而且提高了基础地理信息的现势性和利用价值。Not only are boundary elements renewed rapidly, but also the present situation and utilized values of fundamental geo-information are promoted.

为满足城市建设对于地形图现势性方面的需求,杭州市基础测绘管理实行了动态跟踪修测方法。The Hangzhou basic mapping management department takes the dynamic following up on mapping method into action in order to adapt to the new situation.

为了保持土地利用数据的现势性,北京市在土地利用数据库建立之后每年都会以区县为单位进行土地利用数据库变更工作。In order to keep current character of the land use datum, the land use information of Beijing city is modified after the foundation of database every year.

土地利用基础数据和图件信息的非现势性已逐渐制约国土资源的信息化与科学化管理。The land utilization data was in out of accord with the map information has gradually restricted the technical and scientific management on land resources.

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从我国目前的情况看,对基础地理数据的更新还存在许多问题,难以保证数据的现势性。After the construction of the urban fundamental geographic database, we must do dynamic maintenance and updating to it to guarantee the updating of the data.

高质量、强现势性的城市空间数据的获取、更新和使用问题已成为当前“数字广州”建设中的瓶颈。Currently the gathering, update and usage of high quality and up-to-date urban spatial data have become the bottleneck in the construction of"Digital Guangzhou".

本文分析了现行城镇地籍调查流程存在的问题,提出了在城镇地籍调查中应用现势大比例尺地形图的方法,同时提出了准界址点的概念。This paper makes a study on the interactive digital generalization, and an interactive map generalization environment for large scale topographic map is then designed and realized.

实践证明此项技术作为获取项目前期基础信息的有效手段,作业周期短、成本经济且现势性好,其成果兼具客观性和直观性,可有效辅助项目后续工作的实施。The practice shows that, for the project, as an effective method for acquisition fundamental information in early time, this technique has shortened the operation cycle, and has saved the cost.

它为整个城市提供各种现势性的空间数据信息源,为城市规划、建设、管理和服务提供统一的、标准的空间数据基础框架。It offers all kinds of up-to-date spatial data sources for the whole urban, and it offers uniform and standard spatial data infrastructure for the layout building management and service of urban.