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接着放2号皇后,依此类推。Then put 2 queens, and so on.

根节点的子节点深度为一,依此类推。A child of the root node has a depth of one, and so on.

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如果你有两个身体和脂肪,你的比例是二比一,依此类推。If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one , etc.

这四个光子接著产生八个光子,依此类推。Those four photons could lead to eight more, and so on.

否则跳过这个标记并检查下一个,依此类推。If not, the token is skipped and the next one is tested, and so on.

此外,一台服务器还可以作为其他服务器的客户机,依此类推。In addition, a server can act as a client to another server and so on.

如果你做得好,你就得到大奖励,依此类推,结果呢?If you do really well you get the large reward, on down. What happened?

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注入一个类后,它会导致注入下一个类,依此类推。Once you inject one class, it leads to injecting the next and the next.

主节点收集结果,并继续分发任务,依此类推。The master node assembles the results, further distributes work, and so on.

例如,创建迭代记录,然后命名为“1”和“2”,依此类推。For example, create iteration records and name them "1" and "2" and so forth.

如果代理不能与第一个服务器进行通信,它将尝试与第二个服务器通信,依此类推。If the agent cannot communicate with the first server, it moves to the next, and so on.

如果又来第三个人高速下载,那速度峰值就得除以三,依此类推。If a third user tries to download at the highest speed, divide the peak speed by three, and so on.

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添加到查询中的第一列出现在结果的最左边,接下来是第二列,依此类推。The first column you add to the query appears leftmost in the results, the second column next, and so on.

也就是,有一只小白鼠不能尝出甜的东西,而另一只尝不出咸的,依此类推。So, one mouse couldn’t taste sweet things, another couldn’t taste bitter, a third couldn’t taste salt, and so on.

换句话说,在本示例中,每个大写“A”的实例都将替换为小写“a”、“B”替换为“b”,依此类推。In other words, in the example, every instance of capital "A" is replaced with lowercase "a," "B" with "b," and so on.

如果前一个方法也没有异常处理程序,则异常被传播回该方法的调用方,依此类推。If the previous method also has no exception handler, the exception is propagated back to that method's caller, and so on.

修改一下之前的程序,让它先输出变位词列表中最长的,然后是其次长的,依此类推。Modify the previous program so that it prints the longest list of anagrams first, followed by the second longest, and so on.

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现在新加的牌要被负责盖的一方打,之后开始的一方再放,依此类推。Now the newly added cards must be covered by the covering player, after that the starting player can toss more cards, and so on.

假如在最内层的代码块里没有找到my声明,那就到上一层块里找,依此类推,直到找到为止。If you don't find a declaration in the smallest block, look at the next larger block that contains it, and so on, until you do find one.

当下拉窗口中的第一个值被选中时,则使用列表中的第一个值,当第二个值被选中时,则使用列表中的第二个值,依此类推。The first value in this list is used when the first value in the drop-down window is selected, the second for the second value, and so on.