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当初我为什么要去跟她?Why did I follow her?

你当初是怎么跟我说的?What did you tell me, eh?

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他们当初为毛选了他?Why did they take him on?

当初是谁先言爱。It is who first about love.

那鱼当初又安静又安稳。The fish is calm and steady.

梦的当初那么真。Our original dream was so true.

何必当初Why act in this way at that time?

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那当初为什么会修复水绘园呢?Why did he rebuild Shuihui Garden?

当初起来,很朴实。Rise at the outset, very guileless.

我很庆幸当初没那么干。So I'm happy that I didn't do that.

他当初把这份报纸当做一个讲道坛。He thought of his paper as a pulpit.

说实话,我当初不知道他是谁。Truthfully, I didn't know who he was.

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当初我明白我们未经各奔前程。Now I can see that we've fallen apart.

当初只有我一个人请求你帮助。Whil'st I alone did call upon thy aid.

你当初为什么会选择法学院呢?Why did you choose to go to law school?

是的,我想当初轻易做出决定了。Yes, I think it's easier to choose now.

当初,只有世界体系论硕果仅存。Now only World-System Analysis survived.

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今日的拘那罗王子,就是当初的猎师。And prince Kunala was exactly the hunter.

我比当初想象的要更喜欢生物课。I like biology more than I first thought.

我后悔当初对你教育的犯傻。Oh how I regret the times I chastised you.