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主赐予我容身之处,为我的生命注入意义。The Lord has provided me shelter and purpose in my life.

把你的容身之处的屋顶看作是一间房子的叠瓦状。Think of your shelter roof as being shingled like a house.

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在下个环节中,我们会看到一些野外容身之处的基本知识。In the next section, we'll look at some wilderness shelter basics.

我呀,只要有一个不算太挤的容身之处就谢天谢地喽!I ah, as long as one is not too crowded at the shelter thankful myself!

如果碰上雨天或潮湿,就不要挖洞或者开始建容身之处。If it's raining or wet, avoid burrowing in a hole and get off the ground.

让我们培养出很多的好习惯吧,如此,坏习惯便失去了容身之所。Let’s apopt so many great habits that we put the squeeze play on bad habits.

如果系的绳子或者捻的绳子高过容身之处的高度,你必须加一个节水滴杆。If you tie rope or twine higher than the shelter, you should attach drip sticks.

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当选择了一处地方来建造你的容身之处,你就要试着呆在靠近水源的地方。When choosing a place to build your shelter, try to stay near a source of water.

精疲力竭而又士气低落的工作人员正努力为那些受伤者和遇难者寻找容身之处。Exhausted and demoralized staff struggle to find space for the wounded and the dead.

如果你相信上帝是造物主和维系者,那就没有机会论的容身之处。There is no room for chance or luck if you believe God is the Creator and Sustainer.

逃亡路上,三兄弟计夺山匪窝,寻得容身之处。Escape on the road, the three brothers took the meter bandits nest, find a place for.

在下一个章节,我们会看到只使用天然材料怎样建造一个容身之处。In the next section, we'll look at how to build a shelter using only natural materials.

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他和大约40个当地居民在外露宿了5天,无处容身,也没有雨衣。He and around 40 local residents were outside for five days without shelter or raincoats.

玛丽·奥托说严重的精神紊乱阻碍了很多流浪者寻找容身之所。Mary Otto says severe mental disorders prevent many homeless people from seeking shelter.

但是,在一个微小而又与世隔绝的社会,或许只有供一两个针匠容身的屋子。But in a tiny, isolated society, there may have been room only for one or two needle-makers.

你的目标是过夜直到你可以对你的处境评估并且建造了一个合适的容身之处。It's to get through the night until you can assess your situation and build a proper shelter.

如果让教授拿回公文包,厨师就没有名字了,就在地球上无处容身了。If the professor takes it back, there will be no name left for the chef, no place on the Earth.

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把斗篷的两个对角系到树上,可以建一个单坡屋顶容身之处。Another simple lean-to shelter can be made by tying two opposite corners of the poncho to trees.

对于一个基本的有遮盖的容身之处来说,你需要做的就是把材料伸展开来,这样你可以呆在下面。For a basic shade shelter, all you need to do is spread the material out so you can get under it.

如果你是一个求知若渴的露营者或者是徒步旅行者,你应该在你的下次远足中锻炼一下建造一个容身之处。If you're an avid camper or hiker, you should practice building a shelter on your next excursion.