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入声吕雷克医用助听器InSound Medical Lyric Hearing Aid

第四章是涿鹿方言的入声韵母。The fourth chapter is the Zhuolu dialect entering finals.

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入声字是上古音在方言中的遗留。The entering tone is the phoneme of remote age left in dialect.

入声舒化是应县方言发展的主趋势。Glottal stop dropping is the main trend in the development of Ying dialect.

随着汉字音的应用,受舌内入声字音的影响日语才产生了促音。As the Chinese phonetics went into Japanese, the sound of glottal stop emerged.

其他方言入声的演变情况也可以同样解释。The evolution of tone IV in other dialects can also be explained in the same way.

记住古入声字在普通话中的读法。Keep in mind the pronunciation of ancient characters with entering tone in putonghua.

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入声通过连读变调,官话的影响继续演变。Because of tone change and effect of Ningyuan Guanhua, entering tone continues to evolve.

入声在官话区的消失和演变是一个很复杂的问题。The extinction and evolution of rushing tone in mandarin district is a very complex issue.

在计算机的统一控制下,木偶的表演惟妙惟肖、栩栩入声。Under systematic computer control, the performance of these puppets looks vivid and exciting.

喉塞尾弱化程度与入声时长无明显关系。There are no obvious relationship between weakening of the glottal stop and the length of the tone.

无法在非本地的画面播放登入声音、播放软件无法执行、或是音效档不存在。Login sound requested on non-local display or the play software cannot be run or the sound does not exist.

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呼出声比吸入���持续时间长,且吸入声和呼出声之间有一段安静的间隔。The expiratory sound lasts longer than the inspiratory sound, and a silent gap separates these two sounds.

第三弄清了下口话入声演变的趋势和语音条件。Third has clarified the tendency and the pronunciation condition which the Xiakou Dialect entering toneevolves.

新丰的入声不变﹐但四都却在变调时“还原”了一个入声。Xinfeng dialect's Ru tone does not change, though in Sidu dialect despite the tone sandhi , it only has one Ru tone.

笔者总结了涿鹿方言入声的特点及目前尚未完全解决的难题,和今后的研究目标。The author summarizes the characteristic of Zhuolu and the difficult problem as well as the studying objectives for the future.

古汉语发展为现代汉语,官话入声的消失是其声调发展的重要内容之一。During the process from ancient Chinese to modern Chinese, the extinction of rusheng tone in Mandarin district is very important.

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河曲方言内部存在大量入声字,说明河曲方言与古汉语的关系比较密切。There are a great number of the words that its' tone is read as rusheng. For this reason Hequ dialect has kept in touch with ancient Chinese.

书中韵分十二部,声母实际有十九类,声调表面有五,实际入声已经消失。There are 12 rhyme categories, 19 initial consonants in fact, and 5 tones apparently with entering-tone disappearing as the matter of fact in Wu Fang Yuan Yin.

室町末期,随着日语音韵的开音节化,舌内入声字声门闭锁音合并为促音。By the end of Muromati period, as the open syllablization of Chinese Characters in Japanese, the entering tone and glottal stop converged to become glottal stop.