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谷歌老早厌倦了这样。Google's tired of that.

我们老早就是好朋友了。We’ve been friends since way back.

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此字老早以前就无人使用了。The word has long since been out of use.

我以为这话题我们老早解决了,食品杂货。I thought we were done with this topic, Groceries.

我老早就不顺那个庄律师了。I have been long unsatisfied with that attorney Zhuang.

有关这种打算的消息老早就传到他耳里,他于是逃走了。News of this intention reached him in season to effect his escape.

反之,它是由老早之前确实存在的一些部分构成的。Instead it was constructed from parts that did exist way back then.

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军事观察家们讲其实中国军队老早就这么干了。Military observers say China's military has long been at that game.

我应该老早听你们的,应该早一点开始温习。I should have listened to you. I should have started studying earlier.

如果它不做神木,不知有多少人老早就将它砍倒了。If it isn't the God tree, numerous people would have cut it down early.

我老早告诉过你了,我不喜欢有人比我还要大嘴巴。I told you before, I don't like anybody who has a bigger mouth than mine.

科技不断在进步,也老早就让许多机器能够“开口说话”了。Machines that "talk" are now commonplace, thanks to advances in technology.

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“老师不应参与政治”这一座右铭老早已经过时了。" A teacher ought not to deal in politics" has long become a motto of the past.

主人老早便让自家的孩子去请邻里亲朋。Master long ago let their own children to invite neighborhood friends and family.

当你出门旅行的时候,最好老早把行李包装好。When you go on a journey , it is a good thing to be beforehand with your packing.

但她老早就长着心眼的——谁会想到会有这种事!But she’s kept her wits about her for so long—who would have imagined such a thing!

因为它的主意老早定了,就是要消灭人民的力量,消灭我们。Because long ago it made up its mind to wipe out the people's forces, to wipe us out.

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如果它不做神木,不知有多少人老早就将它砍倒了。If it isn't being the God tree, numerous people would have cut it down long time ago.

但是虽然法律的轮子还没有开始转动,情绪老早就变化了。But though the legislative wheels have yet to start turning, the mood has already shifted.

我还以为他跟那一帮人中的奋不顾身的头儿们一样,老早到法国去了。I had supposed him long ago in France, with the rest of the heads of that desperate party.