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我分居了。I'm separated.

单位里两地分居的人很多呢!The unit of separation many!

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他们两个月前分居了。They separated two months ago.

她在背后谈论与她分居的丈夫的私事。She tattled on her estranged husband.

但是桑切斯小女士计划保持分居。But Ms. Sanchez plans tostay separated.

他俩才结婚一年就分居了。They split up after a year of marriage.

他和分居的老婆终于合好了。He and his separated wife finally made up.

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他们的婚姻破裂,两人分居。Their marriage broke down and they separated.

两地分居最大的问题是外遇。The biggest problem is the separation of adultery.

他们结婚十年后决定分居。After ten years of marriage they decided to separate.

她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation.

两个人在两地分居该遇上的事情都遇上了。Two men in the separation of the met has had a thing.

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我要使他们分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.

我和女朋友长期两地分居。My girlfriend and I are in a long-distance realationship.

因工作原因,夫妻两地分居。This couple live in seperate places because of their work.

不久,克鲁兹和她的丈夫分居,来自La索诺拉Matancera。Soon Cruz and her husband separated from La Sonora Matancera.

杰克和玛丽要分居的事正在暗暗传说。It's being whispered about that Jack and Mary are to separate.

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因为魏迎秋在外地工作,他们开始了两地分居。Because Wei Yingqiu in the field, they began the two separated.

分居对我们所有人来说难以忍受,因此从一开始是尝试性的。Our separation was tough on us all and tentative from the start.

分居价值-0.24分,丧偶价值-0.19分,离婚价值-0.09分。Being separated is worth -0.24, widowed -0.19 and divorced -0.09.