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这里的海蚀现象很严重。The transgression is very serious here.

这里就是典型的海蚀地貌了。And this is typical marine- abrasion topography.

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应该是一种海蚀地貌吧?Should be considered marine- abrasion topography, right?

石澳的海蚀洞地下水渗润,岩壁闪闪发亮。Shek O sea cavern, its rock faces glistening with seeping groundwater.

鹅尾神石园独特的海蚀地貌,色彩斑斓令人称奇。The Eweishan Magic Stone Park looks resplendent due to its marine-abrasion topography.

该海蚀地貌作为区域性的稀缺地学景观资源,还具有很高的景观美学、旅游资源价值。They are invaluable for both landscape esthetics and sightseeing tourism due to its rarity.

峭壁公园以里柱弄海沟为主体,因海蚀作用而形成。Cliff Park is composed mainly of the Lishunong Ocean Trench, which is formed due to marine-abrasion.

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客观存在和海蚀地貌融为一体,形成了具有极高美学价值的自然景观。They are connected with the marine abrasion landform that forms the scenery with very high aesthetic value.

厦门西港鳗尾沙淤积区的沉积物为孤丘海蚀残积物及粉砂质泥。Sediments in Man-Wei-Sha siltation regions of Xiamen west harbour are sea erosion remains of hills and silty mud.

虽然现在它是一个海蚀洞穴,但其历史是由火山活动造就的天然熔洞,火山活动给它留下了一个与众不同的人造外貌。Though it is a sea cave now, its history is volcanic in nature, and left it with an unusually man-made appearance.

退潮得海蚀平台可让人们赤止戏水观看潮间带生物,各种奇岩怪石要好好发挥想像力。During the ebb, one can step on the abrasion platform to see the strand plants and all the different rocks and stones.

海坛风景名胜区以优质的海滨沙滩和奇特的海蚀地貌而闻名,被专家誉为海蚀地貌博物馆。Hai Tan scenic area to the sandy beach quality and unique landscape and the sea, And experts were called sea landscape Museum.

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太平洋沿岸华盛顿州的奥林匹克国家公园里这些被称为海蚀柱的出露地表的石柱是许多鸟类和动物们的家园。Rock outcroppings called sea stacks are home to birds and other animals on the Pacific shore of Washington's Olympic National Park.

有仙女鞋、梅花石、海龟石、卧牛石等等,海蚀石乳,风化窗、豆腐岩诸景,都是引人入胜的美景。There are fairy shoes, plum stone, turtle rock, stone, etc. wau, sea stone milk, weathered window, tofu, various rock scene, are spectacular views.

桶盘屿西南方的海蚀平台,在退潮后会露出莲花座,是一大自然奇景-海底火山口。The abrasion platform on the southwestern tip of the isle reveals its lotus shape during ebb tide. This is actually the mouth of an underwater volcano.

今日英国公布了对居住在海滩、海礁和海蚀洞穴里的鸟类和其它海洋生物保护范围的最大一次扩张。The biggest expansion of protection for the birds and sea life that live on the sandbanks, reefs and sea caves around the UK shores is announced today.

吴冠岸段是厦门为数很少的自然海岸之一,保留着该地区少见的有规模的花岗岩海蚀地貌景观。Wuguan coast is one of a few natural coasts remained in Xiamen where it is a rare preserved large-scale marine erosion physiognomy sight in the region.

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这些砂岩及砾岩形成的海蚀柱在冰河时代的最后一次冰川冲击下得以幸存,但却经受了几个世纪的潮汐侵蚀。These sandstone-and-conglomerate sea stacks were spared during the glacial sweep of the last ice age, but bear the effects of centuries of tidal erosion.

这一带地层,由砂岩堆积而成,受海浪长期的侵蚀和风化,在海边,形成陡直的海蚀崖及宽平的岩床。The band formation, formed by the accumulation of sand, long-term erosion by waves and weathering in the sea, forming steep cliffs and wide flat rock bed.

野柳平台不言不语千万年,海蚀、风化为它妆扮容颜,它从未拒绝人们的眼光与想像。For hundreds of thousands of years, Yehliu Terrace has silently and soundlessly been embellished by time and tide, accepting people's gazes, stares and imaginings.