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平均每户交售了两口生猪。Each household sold, on the average, two pigs.

过去一周里,生猪期货价格达到了四年来的最低点。Hog futures prices hit a four-year low this past week.

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小型屠宰场中,生猪都是被吊起放血。In smaller operations, the pig is hoisted for bleeding.

通常来看,这应当是生猪饲养业的任务。Normally, this should be the task of the pig farming industry.

所以大多数年份,养猪户从不奢望大夏天里生猪还能涨价。So most years, pig farmers pigs never can expect big summer prices.

这一切表明今年生猪存栏数会有更快的增长。All this promises a still faster growth in the pig population this year.

生猪出栏率是反映生猪再生产综合水平的一个重要指标。Live pig sell rate is a important index of reflecting live pig reproduction level.

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目的观察缺氧缺血性脑损伤新生猪脑电生理的变化。Objective To observe the electric physiologic changes in newborn piglets with HIBD.

由于体形较好,肌肉结实,生猪行业的业内人士把这种瘦肉猪戏称为”健美猪”。Insiders working in the live pig industry nicknamed these lean-meat pigs "bodybuilder pigs".

目前,广州生猪屠宰场已从70多家压缩到52家,未来还要继续压缩屠宰场的数量。At present, 70 pig slaughterhouses were reduced to 52. This number will be lower in the future.

规模化养猪场和养殖小区正成为生猪主产区养猪的新趋势。The large-scale pig farms and pig farming community is becoming the new trend of hog production.

到最后一头艾奥瓦州生猪1969年死亡的时候,这批空运生猪在日本留下的后代约有50万头。When the last Iowa hog died in 1969, the lift’s Japanese progeny numbered approximately 500,000.

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引起出生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血病。Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in natal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.

政策性生猪保险的提出是为了转移分散风险和分摊经济损失。It possibly be reference for the sustained development of policy-type insurance of pigs in the future.

引起初生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病是大肠杆菌病和肠毒血病。Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in neonatal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.

记录了它的产地、生长发育的过程信息,每个电子耳标标识唯一一头生猪。The tag records the procedure info of its origin and growth, with each ear tag targeting one live pig.

如果能够将良好的生猪健康管理付诸实践,安徽也有可能在养猪业获得领先地位。If good pig health management is put into practice, then Anhui can become a leader in the pig industry.

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这家厂今年的生猪出栏率比去年增长不少。There has been an increase in the percentage of pigs available for slaughter in this factory this year.

另外,农林水产省已要求各动物检疫所严格检查进口生猪。In addition, the Ministry have been asked by a strict animal quarantine inspection of imported live pigs.

在过去的几周内,因猪肉价格上涨,美国艾奥瓦州和明尼苏达州有近千只生猪被偷。Because of the higher prices about 1,000 pigs have been stolen in Iowa and Minnesota in the past few weeks.