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我讨厌耽误时间。I detest delays.

别在这儿耽误时间了。Don't waste time here.

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我们不能耽误时间了。We have no time to lose.

我不能在这里耽误时间。I've no time to wait or sigh.

这时候耽误是最令人烦恼的。The hour’s delay was most annoying.

时间比金钱宝贵。耽误时间。Time is more valutummyle than money.

等拾掇齐整了,还不耽误下地干活。And clean neat, do not delay to work.

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不必要的犹豫,只会耽误时间。Unnecessary vacillation will only be a waste of time.

免得派队嘛,不然会耽误你上学的。Well send teams to avoid, or would delay your school.

而对很多创业公司来说,这种耽误会是致命的。And for many types of startup, that delay could be fatal.

太耽误时间了,还真不如自己有辆车呢!Oh, it takes too much time. It's better to have my own car!

“走吧。”薇薇安干脆地说,“别耽误时间了。”"Leave. "Wei Wei Anne simply says that" doesn't hold up time. "

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所以不会耽误上课或其他事情。So you can work in around your classes or whatever you're doing.

这样的撤离会使封堵工作耽误10到14天。Such an evacuation could delay sealing efforts by 10 to 14 days.

为避免耽误时间,请直接函复买方。To avoid delay, kindly address your reply to the buyer directly.

她从不为个人事情耽误生产。She never allows her private affairs to interfere with production.

这是您的菜,先生。很抱歉耽误您的时间。请慢用。Your meal, Sir. We're sorry for the delay, please enjoy your dinner.

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吃饭不要磨蹭,我们可不想耽误看演出。Don't dally over your meal, we don't want to be late for the preformance.

只是要确保,娱乐不能耽误你履行你的责任和义务。Just make sure your responsibilites & obligations are being met along the way.

林午阳推说莫莉介意自己与谭小燕处对象,还耽误自己工作之事。Lin Wu Yang replied Molly mind and xiao-yan tan object, also hold up their work.