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女孩当自强。我会加油。I'll be a strong girl & do my best.

珍妮独立自强,充满活力。Janie brims with independence and strength.

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罗波安王自强,在耶路撒冷作王。So King Rehoboam grew strong in Jerusalem and reigned.

我对自强的看法是什么呢?What do I have in mind in this program of self-strengthening?

推拉式自强特快车通过新店溪桥的历史镜头。Tze-Chiang Express was passing the bridge over Hsin-Tian River.

从那一刻,我才明白,什么叫做自强!From that moment, I came to understand, what is called self-reliance!

是和赵自强有关吗?能不能先告诉我呢?BE have something to do with self-renewaling?Can you acquaint me first?

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我自强,自立,大气,明理,我的幸福中唯独少了你。I am generous and sensible. But my happiness will never come without you.

自尊、自强、自立、自傲、自我超越。Self-respect and Self-strengthening and Self-pride and Self-transcendence.

国共合作抗日胜,民族自强世界传。Japanese wins KMT-CPC cooperation, national self-reliance of the world pass.

罗波安王自强,在耶路撒冷作王。King Rehoboam established himself firmly in Jerusalem and continued as king.

同时在国难当头的时候,他极力呼吁自强救国。At the same time in the national crisis, he strongly called for self-salvation.

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亚撒的儿子约沙法接续他作王,奋勇自强,防备以色列人Jehoshaphat his son succeeded him as king and strengthened himself against Israel.

女人当自强,不要把男人当成自己的所以,他也只是个辅助。Women when self-improvement, don't put the man as their own, so he is an auxiliary.

亚撒的儿子约沙法接续他作王,奋勇自强,防备以色列人。And Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead, and strengthened himself against Israel.

成龙那时并不知道,陈自强最终将会成为他的经理人和最好的朋友。Jackie didn't know it was Willie who would end up becoming his best friend and manager.

快竖起理想的桅,扬起信仰的帆,把好前进的舵,划起自强的桨。Set sail with ideal as your mast, faith as sail, goal as rudder and aspiration as paddle!

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但是自强的本性让他的叶子在春日里,迅速繁茂起来。However, the nature of self-reliance so that he leaves in the spring, the lush up quickly.

希西家力图自强,就修筑所有拆毁的城墙,高与城楼相齐。Then he worked hard repairing all the broken sections of the wall and building towers on it.

它从一个侧面反映了在近代中国内忧外患的历史条件下,中国人民救亡图存与自强求富的基本要求。It reflected the demands of Chinese people's rescue of the nation and prosperity of the country.