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本论文从两个方面对凯瑟的自然观进行了探讨。This article discussed Willa Cather's view of nature from two aspects.

马克思的新自然观是历史生存论的自然观。Marxs new concept of nature is the natural view of existentialism of history.

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人类生活实践的三种基本类型则意味着自然观的三个层面。Three types of practice of human being means three lays of viewpoint towards nature.

人与自然的关系问题是马克思主义自然观中的一个重要问题。The relationship between man and nature is a major problem of Marxist view of nature.

神性自然使得惠特曼的自然观呈现了复杂而丰富的意义。Divine nature endows Whitman's pantheistic outlook on nature with complex and rich meanings.

这样才是全面的、健康的膳食观,才是完整的、科学的自然观。In this way we can have an overall and healthy diet sense, a complete and scientific natural sense.

马克思主义哲学的诞生在哲学史上导致了认识论、自然观和历史观的根本变革。The birth of it leads to a fundamental change in epistemology , view of nature and view of history.

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人与自然在实践基础上的辩证统一是马克思人化自然观的实质内容。Dialectical unity based on practice by man and nature is the essence of Marxist human nature concept.

这片土地景色多变,很自然观地将其与美国的北方分辨开来。It was an area with diverse landscapes that physically divided them from the north of the United States.

美国女诗人埃米丽·迪金森的自然观与她的社会、家庭以及个人阅历有着极其密切的联系。Emily Dickinson's views on nature bear a close relation to the society, her family and her personal experience.

在物质文明高度发达的现代社会,贤治的自然观更显示出其独特的魅力。His view of nature also shows its enduring charm in modern society with highly developed material civilization.

作者通过对该诗的分析,试图展现阿特伍德的自然观和生态思想。This essay tries to explore, through the analysis of the poem, Atwood's ecological insight and ideas of nature.

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现结合儒道释的自然观对陶渊明的人生理想及审美趣味作分析,并体味其深谙于其中的自然之乐。This paper is intended to make a study of his outlook on life and beauty in line with Confucian views on nature.

在不同的自然观影响下,表现出不同的园林创作形式。The different view of nature leads to different thoughts and expression means of Chinese and Western gardening art.

对大学生进行自然观、展观、学精神及科学价值的教育要面向未来。The education for students' sense of nature, development, scientific spirit and value should be geared to the future.

先从庄子泛神论之自然观,发抒其哲学涵义与历史影响。First, the writer explores the philosophical import and historical influence of Zhuang Zi's hylotheistic views of nature.

所以,他的自然观不但大大超乎前人,而且在同侪中也高人一筹。His view of nature not only tremendously surpasses that of his predecessors, but also exceeds that of his contemporaries.

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中国山水画受到了主张“人类的自然化”的道教思想的自然观的影响。The Chinese landscape painting was influenced to outlook on nature of the Taoism that preached " A human assimilates into nature".

形神学说是中医学基本理论之一,是在唯物主义自然观的基础上形成的。The theory of body and spirit is one of the basic doctrines in traditional Chinese medicine developed on the basis of materialism.

梭罗复杂的自然观主要受到浪漫主义、超验主义和中国自然哲学的影响。Thoreau forms his complicated view of nature with the influences of romanticism, transcendentalism and Chinese natural philosophy.