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我凭依栏杆,细看那萤火虫。I lean against the railing, staring at the firefly.

觉得也是凭依天气和身体的状况的。It is dependent on weather conditions and bodily conditions.

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可是恶魔能凭依于相当的物质从而进入人类的世界。The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists.

在当时,这种统一似乎除去一些非常可疑的比喻修辞之外毫无凭依。At times, this synthesis seemed to stem from nothing more than some very slippery metaphors.

灵命幼稚的信徒,不当单独凭依这样的直觉来行事,最好还须等待环境的证实。It is not wise in the earlier stages of Christian life to depend on this alone, but to wait for the corroboration of circumstances.

佛教、道教人士凭依宗教信仰,民众也借助鬼巫信仰,比较积极地从事减灾救灾活动。Buddhists and Taoists proceeding from their faith, the ordinary people in virtue of witch, actively took measures to relieve disasters.

如果说大同是一个永难企及的憧憬,那么局部的大同景象也得凭依统一来保障。A partial scene of the Great Harmany should be ensured by the Uni-ty, if the Great Harmony las a phantasm vision, can not be achieved forever.

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如果其笔记没有凭依的死神而被人类所有时,只要触碰笔记就能凭依在该人身上。If when its DEATH NOTEs has no incumbent god but is been all by the mankind, as long as touch to touch DEATH NOTEs ability with depend on on that Human body.

死神本身所拥有的死亡笔记被其他死神骗取等导致丢失的话,只能从凭依在那本死亡笔记的死神手里取回。If the gods the DEATH NOTEs owned be cheated by other gods to take to wait to cause to throw to lose, can from with depend on in the god hand which DEATH NOTEs to take back.

事实上,穹顶建筑是被设计为无所凭依的,这意味着,作为一种工业统驭全球的象征,它是可以被栽到任何地方的,无论是北极还是赤道之上。Indeed, the dome was designed by its maker to be placeless, meant to be plunked down anywhere from the Arctic to the tropics as an assertion of the global industrial dominance.