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中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。Luna from China is sure to win, I bet.

中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。Tao Luna from China is sure to win, I bet.

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没错,我希望她能在零八年再次夺冠,实现三连冠。You're right. I hope she can three-peat in 2008.

最近一次夺冠是世界少年锦标赛18岁以下组冠军。One of the latest was World Championship under-18.

当你心情开朗的时候,就自然会为了夺冠而努力前进。When you're happy you can work towards that title.

阿森纳曾经夺冠13次,切尔西仅仅4次成功登顶,另外利物浦有18项锦标。Arsenal have 13, Chelsea only four and Liverpool 18.

美国曾在1991年和1999年女足世界杯上夺冠。The U.S. won the Women's World Cup in 1991 and 1999.

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三天后,他在障碍跑比赛中以近75米的优势夺冠。Three days later, he won the steeplechase by 75 metres.

而这一次,他横扫赛场一举夺冠。This time around, he swept to the title in imperious style.

不过,关颖珊恢复了过来,在全美锦标赛中再次夺冠。However, Kwan recovered to win another US championship title.

信仰在这里,但是我喜欢这依然是四马角逐的夺冠。The belief is there but I prefer it remains a four-horse race.

广东宏远在过去的八个赛季中七次夺冠。Guangdong had been crowned seven times in the past eight seasons.

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他们的夺冠前景由曼城德比的结果决定。Their situation will depend on the result of Man Utd at Man City.

1997年基督城在世界花园城竞赛夺冠,获得世界花园城称号。In 1997, Christchurch won the title of "Garden City of the World".

成都站夺冠后,长安福特车队在鄂尔多斯将面临更大的挑战。The team is facing an uphill battle in Ordos after the Chengdu win.

别成天想着世界杯的举办,要想想夺冠该如何办争夺主办权算啥,为冠军而战!Instead of trying to host the World Cup, how about trying to win it?

佳里布在周日的比赛中将肯定会被视作夺冠热门之一。Gharib will certainly start as one of the favourites to win on Sunday.

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俄罗斯人戈里科夫以4小时27分的成绩夺冠。Russian athlete Evgeniy Gorkov won the race in 4 hours and 27 minutes.

当然,巴西和阿根廷也是欧洲球队夺冠之路上的绝对煞星。Then, of course there is the ominous presence of Brazil and Argentina.

作为巴西队队长,卡富在1994年赢得世界杯,并在2002年再度夺冠。Cafu won the World Cup in 1994 and again in 2002 as the Brazil captain.