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女士优先。Ladies first.

女士优先。“Lady first”.

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法律专业者优先。Major law is preferred.

你先走!女士优先!After you ! lady first !

捷足先登/先到者优先。First come, first served.

哎,好。女士优先。Yeah, good. Ladies first.

你走在前面。女士优先。You go ahead. Ladies first.

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这邮件需要以优先投寄的方式发送。This need to go first class.

张家港本地人优先考虑。Local people is top-priority.

最好的优惠将被优先。Best Offers will be preffered.

女士优先,现在你就可以出发了。Lady first. You can climb now.

你优先考虑的事情会重新排序。Your priorities are reordered.

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列出优先考虑的内容,分清主次。In a list, prioritize the content

能在3周内入职者优先。Could arrive in 3 weeks is a plus.

他们如何管理优先顺序?How do they manage prioritization?

其次,我们需要确定优先次序。Second, we need to set priorities.

当地社区自行决定优先事项Local Communities Decide Priorities

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药剂学或者MBA优先。Pharmacy or MBA degree is preferred.

具有酒店筹开经历优先。Pre-opening experience is preferred.

你懂不懂什么叫做女士优先?Whatever happened to "ladies first"?