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这样让本本看起来就像一个有把手的屏幕。This makes the laptop into just a screen with a handle.

这本本绝对是为恶劣环境设计的。This laptop is definitely designed for harsh conditions.

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因为本本状态好,小配参与比赛不太多。He wasn't involved that much, due to Robben's great form.

如果本本游戏功能超强,你还需要什么呢?If acomputer is powerful at games, do you need anything more?

这几天,我花了不少时间用这本本。Over the last few days, I spent a lot of time on this laptop.

相反地,在你的本本运行了一段时间之后,你应该予其适当的休息。Instead, give your computer a rest by letting it run for awhile.

一副绿军装模样的“高压电”笔记本包算是最酷的本本提包了。High Voltage Laptop Bag with army look is the coolest laptop bag.

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我排队时,一直盯着柜台上陈列的本本。As I stood in line, I kept staring at the planner displayed on the counter.

最成功的企业家都有本“小本本”,里面装着所有业内专家的联系方式。The best entrepreneurs have the best "little black book"of expert contacts.

很难想象的是,很少有本本相册能描绘两种人,并且仅仅是相隔几页。But it’s hard to imagine many albums depicting both, just a few pages apart.

郝建军正在他的本本上工作,他的邻座则在放平的座椅中睡觉。Hao worked on his laptop as his neighbor slept on the fully reclining chair.

我敢肯定,全世界的孩子们都会喜欢、享受、并且珍爱这些本本的。I’m sure kids around the world will really love, enjoy, and cherish these laptops.

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赫本的衣服很少拍卖,尽管赫本本人不喜欢浪费。Hepburns clothes do not often come up at auction, despite the actress hating waste.

如果某人虐待你,然后你的第一本本能肯定是逃离。If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her.

综合两者,你的本本可能在你跨出浴池的时候就玩完儿了。Couple the two, and your device just might be dead the next time you step out of the tub.

他昏迷期间,我们就能把卡里面的数据下载到本本上,再把原卡放回去。When he's out cold, we download the card onto the laptop and put the original back on him.

一条街道以她的名字命名,接连不断的学术会议来纪念她,称赞她的新书一本本出现。A street is named after her. Back-to-back conferences celebrate her. New books champion her.

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现在我们为你呈现另外九个能延长你本本使用寿命的小诀窍。We're back with nine additional tips that should make your laptop live just a little bit longer.

阿什本本人声称,在他本届参议员任期结束后,他不会再竞选任何公职。Mr Ashburn said he does not plan to run for any public office after his term ends later this year.

宠物的毛发和头屑也会对本本的排风扇和冷却系统造成严重的问题,并引起高温。Pet hair and dander can wreak serious havoc with your fans and cooling systems and cause overheating.