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请你不要小题大作好吗?Don't make such a fuss,will you?

你什么意思,小题大作?Whatta you mean, made a big deal?

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意思是说庸人多自忧,不要小题大作。Don't make much ado about nothing.

入这一泓奇异的瓦斯之中,真是小题大作into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.

如果说总统是在掩盖什么,那可能有点小题大作了。As presidential cover-ups go, it may be splitting hairs.

我的主管常常喜欢小题大作。My supervisor often likes to make mountains out of molehills.

我们在一起,强大到可以征服一切,所以我们不要再纠缠细节,小题大作。Together, we move mountains, let's not make mountains out of molehills.

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上周去旧金山出差时,她有些小题大作。She made this big deal out of going on a business trip to San Francisco last week.

然而,其他的益生菌公司却认为欧洲监察局的做法太“小题大作”了。But other probiotic firms claim the European watchdog has been unnecessarily rigorous.

如果说总统是在掩盖什么,那可能有点小题大作了。President Obama dyes his hair?As presidential cover-ups go, it may be splitting hairs.

它们是情绪推理、小题大作、个人化,还是另外一种认知扭曲?Are they emotional reasoning, catastrophizing, personalization, or one of the other cognitive distortions?

同事们不由分说,直接拖了他上医院,他心道小题大作,却眩晕不止,吐得无力抗拒。Colleagues not from cent say, direct him to hospital, was dragged his heart way of, but not to spit, dizziness to resist.

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永远是人在跨年之时小题大作,吵吵闹闹。时间优雅而安静地走过,不发出一点声响。It is always man who makes a big fuss with a big noise at the turning of the year. Time passes elegantly and quietly, never makes a sound.

她该死的小题大作的限定我们餐桌上谈话的内容,只能针对大家都感兴趣的话题,庆祝我们家庭团结在一起的话题。She’d make such a goddamn fuss over what we talked about at dinner, aiming at Topics of Common Interest, topics that celebrated our cohesion as a family.

孙说他从60年代以来一直小题大作,而地方政府已经确认她的丈夫是自然死亡非工作环境导致的事故。Sun said she has been "making a fuss" since the 1960s, although local authorities confirmed that her husband died a natural death, not caused by workplace hazards.

最近为了关塔那摩囚犯该放到哪里的问题而小题大作是低俗政治,是被绝望的共和党人鼓动起来的,还有国会民主党人的顺势串通。The recent fuss over where to put the Guantánamo prisoners is tawdry politics, incited by desperate Republicans with the supine complicity of congressional Democrats.

父母若是骂,或打我们几下子,就承受下来,痛一下也就过去了,犯不着小题大作,以为就是虐待。If our parents scold or hit us a few times, we might as well bear it, for the pain will go away soon. There's no need to make a big deal and think they are abusing us.

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最初忽视危机严重性的当地报纸开始赞扬迪拜及其领导人,批评外媒小题大作。Local newspapers, which initially ignored the gravity of the crisis, have begun praising Dubai and its leadership -- and criticising foreign media for blowing events out of proportion.