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这是历史上最惨绝人寰的事之一。It's one of the most terrible stories in history.

但没有什么比更惨绝人寰,包括一战在内But there was nothing like this really, including World War I.

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日本军国主义曾经给人类带来惨绝人寰的灾难。Japanese militarism once caused the very grave disaster to Asian people.

殖民者惨绝人寰地屠杀了成千的土著居民。The colonists massacred thousands of natives with brutal and callous force.

一个来自腰间的力道阻止了这一惨绝人寰悲剧的发生。Strength that comes from a waist impeded the casualty of this highly tragic catastrophe.

最惨绝人寰的海难,“木犀草号“幸存者的骇人经历。A sadder story of disaster at sea was never told than that of the survivors of the yacht, Mignonette.

仅过去几十年间,卢旺达、柬埔寨、波斯尼亚,达尔富尔等地便发生数起惨绝人寰的案例。The past few decades have seen terrifying examples in Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur, Bosnia, and elsewhere.

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与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring withregularityin our neighbouring country a Body of water.

比起惨绝人寰的核武攻击,政权崩溃的灾难实在相形逊色。As catastrophic as regime collapse would be, it pales next to the prospect of coming under nuclear attack.

8月7日,骚乱在伦敦周围若干街区集体爆发,而8月8日的屠杀行为则更加惨绝人寰。On August 7th trouble broke out in various neighbourhoods around London. The carnage on August 8th was worse.

拉德洛已是一片被烧焦的废墟,下面埋葬着工业冲突历史上惨绝人寰的恐怖故事。The Ludlow is a mass of charred debris, and buried beneath it is a story of horror unparalleled in the history of industrial warfare.

与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country, separated from us by only a Body of water.

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现在,战事已经进入了僵持阶段,这种局面可能要持续数月或者数年的时间,让这个已经支离破碎的国家陷入代价高昂并且惨绝人寰的暴乱之中。For now, the war faces a deadlock, one that could potentially drag on for months or years, plunging this already fragile country into costly and horrific violence.

当我们用全新的视野重新审视七十年前发生在南京的那一幕惨绝人寰的悲剧时,我们知道,在这个世界还有许多人没有忘记这场人类的浩劫。When we look back to the history event of Nanjing Massacre happened 70 years ago, we know there are lots of people in the world don't forget that human catastrophe.

澳门刑事侦察科的警官陈明君孙国明麦伟坚饰在山上发现了人体残肢,深入调查后揭发一宗惨绝人寰的案子。Incomplete body parts are being accidentally discovered , macau cops call for investigation into the case and reveal a grisly murder behind the story of delicious buns.

但是,施泰纳相信,国际社会能利用科学知识和技术知识来制定战略以避免气候变化所带来的惨绝人寰的影响。But Steiner believes the world community has the scientific knowledge and the technical know-how to develop strategies to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

我本人了解那段历史,但这个角色活在1944年,他并不知道纳粹带来的一切,那些惨绝人寰的灾难。A person who lived in 1944 didn't have the historical evaluation of this whole event, this whole catastrophe, this whole disaster. Also, for the character himself, I thought it was not that relevant.