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你感觉良好。You feel good.

但它或许会表现良好。It may do well.

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保持良好的卫生习惯。Have good hygiene.

貌似运行良好。It seems to run okay.

为了自我感觉良好而付出。We give to feel good.

养成良好的卫生习惯。Practice good hygiene.

烟囱通风良好。The chimney draws well.

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机器运转良好。The machine works well.

非常感谢这次良好的直接联络。Thanks for the nice QSO.

部队风纪良好。The troops handled well.

该部队风纪良好。The troops handled well.

车况必须良好。Must have good condition.

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孩子们行为良好。The children behave well.

它能让我保持良好的体形。It keeps me in good shape.

你的宝宝发育良好。Your baby is shaping well.

良好的电脑知识。Good Knowledge of computer.

谦逊是一种良好的品质。Modesty is a sweet quality.

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提供锦鲤良好的滋养。To keep Koi well-Nourished.

致以最良好的祝愿,向你致敬!Best wish and seventy-three!

他有良好的视觉记忆。He has a good visual memory.