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挪威是一个议会体系的政府立宪制国家。Norway is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government.

几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.

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以重步兵作为主力的,一定是宪制城邦,一种折衷的政体If you use hoplites, your state will be, what he calls a Politea, a moderate regime.

宪制上,对司法独立的保证已全面落实。The constitutional guarantees for an independent Judiciary have been fully implemented.

他说古巴人会有自由,会有一个诚实政府,会恢复宪制。They were going to have honest government. They were going to have a return to the constitution.

非洲联盟要求恢复宪制,但塞内加尔总统表示支持新政府。The African Union demanded a return to constitutional rule, but Senegal's president supported the new government.

第14节告诉我们,他为整个情况演变到完全失控、几乎出现一个宪制上的危机而大大忧愁。Verse 14 tells us that he was greatly distressed over the whole situation. It was almost a constitutional crisis.

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道格拉斯莱科克是一部宪制性法律在弗吉尼亚大学法学院夏洛茨维尔学院教授。Douglas Laycock is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville.

要是你把未来的立宪制郡主所需要的原料注入一台电脑,你就能生产出威廉王子。If you fed the necessary ingredients for a future constitutional monarch into a computer, it would produce Prince William.

非洲联盟要求恢复宪制,但塞内加尔总统表示支持新政府。The African Union demanded a return to constitutional rule, but Senegal’s president supported the new government. See article

早期改良主义思想家所设计的中国立宪制的模式是英国式的“君民共主”制度。The Chinese constitutional model designed by early reformist thinkers is a British-typed "rule-by-the-monarch -and-the-people" system.

基于在宪制和法律角度上的重要性,自由党支持终审法院今次采取特别的处理方法。Given the immense importance from a constitutional and legal point of view, the Liberal Party welcomes the exceptional step taken by the CFA.

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只有不同政治势力在宪制范围内的抗衡始能规范权力不逾矩。Only then the different political influence contends with in the constitution system scope only then can the standard authority not exceed distance.

他信在被指控腐败和对泰国的立宪制君主普密蓬·阿杜德不敬之后,被2006年9月19日的政变赶下台。Thaksin was ousted by the Sept. 19, 2006, coup after being accused of corruption and disrespect to Thailand's constitutional monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

其一是,在最大的立宪制国家,法国,德国,意大利和波兰掌权的右翼党派表现良好。One is that the parties of the center-right that hold power in most of the biggest continental countries, France, Germany, Italy and Poland have done very well.

要是你把未来的立宪制郡主所需要的原料注入一台电脑,你就能生产出威廉王子。我们有足够原因来抱有如此高的信心。If you fed the necessary ingredients for a future constitutional monarch into a computer, it would produce Prince William. We have reason for considerable optimism.

进而在契约论的基础上,布坎南主张对政府进行宪制约束,弥补民主政治制度的缺陷,重建有限政府。Moreover, Buchanan insists on putting constitutional restrains on the government to remedy the defects of democratic political institutions and rebuild a limited government.

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这个有关宪制的问题在此之前都是由各个地区法院作出裁决,结果是,在关于是否需要授权的问题上,各个法院作出的许多裁决是相互冲突的。The constitutional matter until now has been left to district courts around the country to decide, resulting in a patchwork of conflicting rulings about the need for warrants.

这似乎在很多方面,有别于美式民主,后者的根基是宪制政府,制衡体系,保障个人权利等。This seems in many ways to be quite far from the American democracy based on constitutional government, systems of checks and balances, protection of individual rights, and so on.

每一个司法管辖区都有各自的宪制安排,分配行政、立法与司法机关的权力,以及三者的相互关系。Each jurisdiction has its own constitutional arrangements distributing power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches and providing for the relationships between them.