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像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的!No adventurer of this type ever came to a good end!

少数记者和新闻媒体为何铤而走险?Why do some journalists and media dare to take a risk?

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在此情况下,他们只好铤而走险,从事私盐生产。In this case, they had to take risks, engage in Private Salt production.

许多迈阿密寻梦者铤而走险,有人甚至成了亡灵。So many seekers risk, and some lose, their lives in pursuit of the Miami dream.

以石油禁运为理由而对以色列施加压力是一种铤而走险、自招失败的行动。Turning on Israel over oil would have been a self-defeating act of desperation.

狮子一般不会捕食大象,但在困难时期它们也会铤而走险。Lions don't usually hunt elephants, but desperate times require desperate measures.

匈牙利和拉脱维亚的一些铤而走险的屋主抵押借了日元。A few dare-devil homeowners in Hungary and Latvia took out mortgages in Japanese yen.

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李和平铤而走险的激将阴谋得逞了。Of Li Heping risk danger in desperation stimulate will conspiratorial have one's way.

菲戈内的研究表明,青少年在执行“冲动”版本的任务时常常铤而走险。Teens take plenty of risks during the hot version of the task, Dr. Figner's research shows.

有一阵子我想理查德·马登用某种办法已经了解到我铤而走险的计划。For a moment I thought that Richard Madden might in some way have divined my desperate intent.

有一阵子我想理查德•马登用某种办法已经了解到我铤而走险的计划。For a moment I thought that Richard Madden might in some way have divined my desperate intent.

但来自学校、同学、家长乃至社会的压力逼得他们铤而走险。But the current pressures from school, peers, parents and society are pushing students to take risks.

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他们确实在铤而走险,可人们都知道阿罗有病,而且常常病得不能出席会议。They took a risk, but everybody knows that Alloa is a sick man and is often too ill to go to meetings.

奥林匹克运动会官员们越来越担心有影响的运动员可能会铤而走险,利用生长激素提高自己的成绩。Olympic officials are increasingly concerned about the possible use of HGH amongst high-profile athletes.

但这跟绝境中铤而走险的人,有何不同,那些人同样是为了养家糊口。Yeah and how is that any different from people on a corner trying, with the same desire to feed their family.

有3000人住在自然保护区内,他们为了土地不惜铤而走险,他们毁林开荒种玉米和其它农作物。Desperate for land, 3, 000 people live in the reserve, torching forest to clear plots for corn and other crops.

在确需存放贵重物品时,应将其隐藏于储备箱或车内隐蔽处,避免招人耳目,诱使窃贼铤而走险。Valuables should be hidden in the storing compartment or other covered places to avoid being noticed by thieves.

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反过来,伊朗有可能因为宗派民兵的武装真空铤而走险,这种策略已经在黎巴嫩和伊拉克打磨成形。In turn, Iran would be tempted by the vacuum to arm sectarian militias, a strategy it has honed in Lebanon and Iraq.

卢克铤而走险,踏进黑暗面的边缘,出发追寻卢米娅,为死去的妻子报仇。In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife's death.

一些人指责政府支出不透明导致一些官员铤而走险腐败。Some criticize these offices for having no transparency in government expenditures and say this is a risk of corruption.