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但这些只是摆摆姿态。But those are just gestures.

风筝要以机头向上的姿态结束动作。The kite should exit nose-up.

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这就是他的战斗姿态。This was his fighting posture.

阿克蒙德了抓的姿态。Archimonde made a grasping gesture.

天使降临了,他们姿态万千。Angels come in all sizes and shapes.

我对我的姿态不佳毫无办法。Assumed a posture of angry defiance.

保持你的姿态笔直竖立。Keepyour posture straight and erect.

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保持你的姿态笔直挺立。Keep your posture straight and erect.

更加强硬的姿态似乎正在见效。The tougher tone seems to be working.

飞机处于俯冲姿态。The plane was in a nose-down attitude.

他得摆好戴著月木樨冠的姿态。He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath.

每一朵都有每一朵的姿态。The wind and each one has her own pose.

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飞机处于俯冲姿态。Thee plane was in a nose-down attitude.

一个大中型的姿态的理想选择。An ideal fit for a medium-large profile.

好一副“妻管严”的可怜姿态。Good one "wife tube strict" poor posture.

我将保持同样的姿态直到终老,重生。Keeping the same posture till next birth.

有时也用同样的姿态手持钵盂。Sometimes Holding patra one same posture.

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没有必要摆出防御姿态或太过粗鲁。There is no need to be defensive or rude.

而温格以比较高的姿态被看高一线。Wenger is predicting a high-octane affair.

即便握手了,这也只是个无意义的姿态。Even if they do, the gesture will be empty.