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莉莎见了我们总是笑呵呵的。Lissa smiled at the sight of us.

她是个快乐的人,总是笑呵呵的。She is a merry person, always smiling and laughing.

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老汉指着身后的山坡笑呵呵地说。Said the old man, pointing at the hillside behind him.

不讲一句脏话,尽情地玩耍笑呵呵。I never said an ugly word, but smiled and stuck to play.

该短语带有一种轻松好玩的感觉,通常是笑呵呵地使用这个短语。And this phrase is used in a playful manner, usually with a smile.

人这一辈子,笑呵呵的不难,难的是一辈子始终笑呵呵的。The life of a person, laugh not difficult, difficult life is always smiling and laughing.

听到一些观众在散场时分笑呵呵地总结这部片子是一部“轻喜剧”,百思不得其解。It's a shame that I heard some audiences commented this film a light comedy after it finished.

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他笑呵呵地看着面前发生的这一切,然后对赵晶晶说道。He roars with laughter the all these that the ground looking at in front accident, then says to clear and bright.

忒简单了。在我录这些话的时候,我已经身处后台了,当时我注意到一个笑呵呵的小伙子正指着他的肚子。Piece of cake. Just as I had it taped, just as I was in the zone, I became aware of a chap beaming and pointing at his midriff.

他笑呵呵地回忆当时是如何投入超人的精力把这个地方改造成体面的餐馆。He chuckles as he reminisces about the superhuman effort that had been required to physically transform this space into a respectable-looking place of business.

我很希望公司的高层主管,你们能听见我们的心声,当你们迎接国际大厂的订单笑呵呵的时候,你们的员工却已经快走光了,就是因为你们的主管长期使用高压的管理方法。I hope that the managers would listen to our voice. When you are having good time in making big money from international corporate, you have almost lost all your workers.

英文中存在着很多骂人的词汇,尽管我们不会去骂人,但被骂了还笑呵呵的去打招呼就是傻子了。In the English language, there is quite a lot of cursing words. Even we don't way that kind of rood language, we have to be able to recognize whether others are bullshit us!