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玫瑰的嫣红,永不退色。Yanhong roses never fade.

那些窗帘退色退得很厉害。Those curtains are badly faded.

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他穿着退色的蓝色牛仔裤。He was wearing faded blue jeans.

原液染色,永不退色。Fourth, dope dyed, will never fade.

光线导致退色或其他损害。Light causes fading and other damage.

这份爱是永恒色彩,永不退色。Love is eternal, whose color never fades.

有些花在退色时候还带着淡淡的粉色。Some flowers faded with a ligh pink color.

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偏安于我们的记忆之侧,偏安于贤哲长袍退色的下摆。Next to our memories, and pale hems of the masters' gown.

让秦庄襄王墓恒久的屹立与历史的洪潮,永不退色。Finally, this site will stand in the history tide and never fade.

但最近的几个月,GE的运气——还有Immelt先生的星光——都退色了。But in recent months its fortunes—and Mr Immelt’s star—have faded.

面漆用进口漆,保证三年不退色。Paint with imported painting to guarantee of three-year no fading.

在她结了婚之后,她想要成为作家的状志渐渐地退色了。Her aspirations to become a writer slowly faded after she got married.

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一般来说,深色衣服是会慢慢退色的。Generally speaking, the dark-colored clothes always fade away gradually.

你发现不同洗发水的退色效果不一样了吗?Have you noticed that different shampoos cause your hair to fade differently?

妻子跟我的爱情并没有在时间的流逝中退色,而是随着年龄的增长而与日俱增。The love between my wife and I is never faded but goes deeper after these years.

每次我的过去从记忆退色,命运有可怕的习性回忆我。Each time my past fades from memory, fate has a terrible habit of reawakening me.

虽说时间会洗礼一切,但是因为有你,美好不会退色。Though time may have everything, but because the baptism, you won't fade, beautiful.

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岁月的河流上会流走很多,我们相见时的那片红叶也会退色?A lot will be carried away by the river of time will the maple leaf when we meet again ?

我们非常喜欢那一款真丝织物的围巾,只是我不知道这款面料会不会退色。We like the pure silk scarf very much. I wonder if the color won't run from the silk pieces.

总而言之,这真的是一个天堂。阳光无法让它退色,潮水无法将它冲刷干净。All in all, this really was paradise. The sun will not bleach it , nor the tice wash it away.