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他偶尔不修边幅。He is a slob occasionally.

如果你在管理一家银行,你总不能穿得不修边幅吧。If you run a bank, you can’t look like a slob.

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北欧的侦探经常疲惫而不修边幅。The Nordic detective is often careworn and rumpled.

杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace.

必要时可以不修边幅,但须保持灵魂洁净。Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.

如果你看起来不修边幅,那么你给人的印象就是这样的。If you look like a slob, you'll give the impression you're a slob.

他和女士们在一起时是个翩翩君子,但跟男人在一块时就开始不修边幅起来了。He is a perfect gentleman with the ladies but a slob with the guys.

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我是一个不修边幅的人,别指望我打扮给你看。I be a slovenly and untidy person, don't hope me to dress up to let you see.

她不赞成她的邻居们,因为她们是不修边幅的邋遢鬼。She disapproved of all her neighbors because of their slovenly house-keeping.

贝多芬身材粗短结实,不修边幅,有一双黑色敏锐的眼睛。Beethoven is a short , stocky man, untidily dressed , with dark and piercing eyes.

齐贝吉与米楚奇一唱一和的不修边幅的行为表明,齐贝吉为了继续执政而准备采取镇压行动。This pair's prominence suggests that Mr Kibaki is ready to use repression to stay in power.

曾有访客在其居住地新罕布什尔州见过他,把他描绘成一位不修边幅的隐士。Visitors who caught sight of him in New Hampshire where he lived described an unkempt recluse.

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今年62岁的库曼诺夫身体健康精力充沛,偶尔有些不修边幅,在谈到这份复杂的数据表格时,他毫不掩饰自己的自豪感。It's hard for Komanoff—a fit, if slightly unkempt, 62-year-old—to conceal his pride in this spreadsheet.

今年62岁的库曼诺夫身体健康精力充沛,偶尔有些不修边幅,在谈到这份复杂的数据表格时,他毫不掩饰自己的自豪感。It’s hard for Komanoff—a fit, if slightly unkempt, 62-year-old—to conceal his pride in this spreadsheet.

奇怪的他虽然表面上不吸引人,不修边幅,实际上却是一位有着超越力量的瑜伽修行者。A strange figure is revealed, outwardly unprepossessing, untidy, unkempt, he is a yogi of transcendent powers.

做为毕业生或在校生千万不可在面试时大大咧咧、疏于准备、自以为是、不修边幅。As graduates or students must not in interviews Datailielie, neglect of preparation, self-righteous, slovenly.

她嘲笑希斯克里夫的不修边幅,第二天当林顿来访的时候,希斯克里夫特意盛装打扮来取悦她。She laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance and, the next day when the Lintons visit, he dresses up to impress her.

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按性别和豪饮的推动下,这个不修边幅,暴动热闹,外的控制,吹出来的,是好还是坏,都赶上在磁带上。Fueled by sex and booze, this raunchy, riotously hilarious, out-of-control, blow-out is, for better or worse, all caught on tape.

三文鱼老爱说我不修边幅,也对,和她那种喜欢打扮的女生来说,我可能是异类。Salmon likes to say that I am about one's appearance, but also right, and her dress kind of like the girls, I may be heterogeneous.

而正处于婚姻中的男性则更容易不修边幅,因为他们不需要为一个女人比拼了。Men who remain married, on the other hand, are more likely to let themselves go a bit as they no longer need to compete for a partner.