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我如何消磁音带头?How do I demagnetize tape heads ?

管音带能治疗通常的疣。Duct tape can cure the common wart.

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极柔和音带,来完成钢琴气氛!Pianissimo traxpack, to complete the Piano vibe!

我们的混音带之一记得我们做的DJ介绍带吗?It's one of our mix tapes. Remember we did the DJ intros ?

这盘灌音带断了,你能把它接起来么?The cassette tape is broken. Can you splice the ends together?

我们要采购音带,泡沫,树脂泡沫,仿造皮和P.U。产品。We want to buy Tape, Foam, Resin Foam, Rexine and P. U. Products.

记忆就是播放音带,如果你不时常播放他,你就会忘记他。Memory is a tape recorder, if you don't play it, you will forget it.

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向后地穿上你的耳机而且唱决定于你的喜爱音带或激光唱碟。Put on your headphones and sing back up to your favorite tape or CD.

这门课的教材包括一本教科书、一本练习用书和一盒音带。The course comprises a class book a practice book and an audio tape.

我们要采购松紧带,饰带,缎带,音带,乐团,钩,配件,内衣裤。We want to buy Elastic, Lace, Ribbon, Tape, Band, Hook, Accessories, Underwear.

明确地为你仅仅有插入的空白音带推动它和甲板校正。Push it and the deck calibrates specifically for the blank tape you have just inserted.

取走他的科学和他会打了在他的直觉音带阅读上的市场孤独的。Take away his science and he would beat the market on his intuitive tape reading alone.

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芭芭拉的姊妹卡伦会用直觉知道磁音带上的好资讯而将它们送给我。Barbara's sister, Karen, would intuit what tapes had good information on them and send them to me.

他是一个有天才的数学家,为身材有非常的记忆,而且是专家的音带读者。He is a gifted mathematician, has an extraordinary memory for figures, and is an expert Tape Reader.

里面有约翰·肯尼迪被刺的幕后真相,也有水门输塔的渌音带神秘失桌锬那己分钟,当然,还有51区。The truth behind the JFK conspiracy. The missing minutes from the Watergate tapes. And of course Area 51.

里面有约翰?肯尼迪被刺的幕后究竟,也有水门事宜的灌音带神秘掉踪的那几分钟,固然,还有51区。The truth behind the JFK conspiracy. The missing minutes from the Watergate tapes. And of course, Area 51.

“这也像是特别为你们制作的个人混音带,”他说,“我喜欢这里面蕴藏的业余爱好者的特质。”"It's also kind of a personal mix-tape that I'm making for you, " he said. "I like the amateur quality about it.

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由于那改变音带的健全质量和主题物质,数据在这份成绩单中可能包含错误。Due to the varying sound quality and subject matter of tapes, the information in this transcript may contain inaccuracies.

这引导了同步立体声磁带和8轨音带的发展,直到现在的复杂程度。This led to the development of synchronized stereophonic tape and eight-track tape, right up to the sophisticated present.

我现在还保存着那时的录音带,过了这么多年,音带都完好无损,除了我在结尾时复段的那个噪音外。I still have a tape of it, and it holds up pretty well after all these years, except for a squeak I made in my closing riff.