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台北市灾情较轻。Taipei escaped comparatively lightly.

灾情严重。The losses caused by the disaster were serious.

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位在里约热内卢市附近的山丘城镇,灾情最为惨重。Towns situated in the hills near Rio de Janeiro were worst hit.

吴悌说,应该加强紧急灾情反应,这是迫在眉睫的。Vu Thi says it is urgent that the emergency response be stepped up.

早期报道的台湾农村地区的灾情只是粗略的。Initial reports from the Taiwanese village, Hsiao-lin, were sketchy.

周五,奥巴马总统准备前往塔斯卡卢萨市查看灾情。President Obama went to see some of the damage in Tuscaloosa on Friday.

这个国家花了好几年时间才从这个灾情惨重的地震中恢复。It took years for the country to recover from the catastrophic earthquake.

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侧重于儿童以及如何更好地让他们做好应对灾情的准备。Focusing on children and how to better prepare them for disaster situations.

灾情调查结果,应当及时报告本级人民政府。The findings shall be reported to the said people's governments without delay.

但在农村地区——也是灾情最严重的地区——建筑标准并未被遵守。But in the rural areas -- which were hit hardest -- these codes weren't followed.

受灾情影响,短期内海上世界酒吧街无法正常开业。Disaster situation, the sea shortly world Street bars unable to operate normally.

我报了警,但是没有用,他们说他们有灾情更严重的地方要去抢救。I called the police, but they wouldn't come. They said they had bigger disasters.

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神户地震的规模仅稍大于诺斯里奇地震,造成的灾情却严重得多。The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than Northridge tremor but more disastrous.

神户地震的规模仅稍大于诺斯里奇地震,造成的灾情却严重得多。The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than the Northridge tremor but more disastrous.

晚清的中国社会灾情频仍,几乎无年不灾。There were almost no non-disaster years in late Qing Dynasty of China's social situation.

对外农业局称,灾情对伊拉克和土耳其造成的影响还不得而知。The impact on Iraq and Turkey is still unclear, reported the Foreign Agricultural Service.

数万人的生命安危,其实就是最严厉的灾情命令。Safety of the lives of tens of thousands of people, in fact, the most severe disaster order.

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去年,强烈的风势加剧野火的灾情,摧毁数千户房屋。Last year, high winds stoked wildfires in Southern California and destroyed thousands of homes.

从灾情上看,灾情表现的形式多,承灾体损失价值量的累积值巨大。Fifthly, as for disaster situation, it has many showing forms, and the loss accumulation is large.

目前日本的灾情因为火势和福岛核电站的爆炸而变得更加复杂。Now Japan’s tragedy is complicated by fires and explosions at the Fukushima nuclear power station.