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照直走两个街区。Go straight ahead for two blocks.

就像撕下创可贴一样,照直做吧。Like a Band-Aid, just rip it off.

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汽车照直向大树撞去。The car ran against the tree directly.

心里怎么想的就照直说出来好了!Just say out plainly what you're thinking.

你如照直向北走,你的方向是恒久不变的。If you walk due north, your direction is constant.

你走到桥边然后照直向右转。You come over a bridge and turn sharply to the right.

如果你愿意在这里工作,照直说好了。If you feel like working here, you only have to say so.

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你有困难时尽管照直给我讲。Don't hesitate to speak to me when you have any difficuties.

你想过为什么他们不能照直走向驴吗?Have you ever wondered why they are unable to walk straight ahead?

不用多说了。如果你愿意在这里工作,照直说好了。Enough said. If you feel like working here, you only have to say so.

照直走,走到第一个交叉路口左转。Just follow your nose until you reach the first crossroad, and then turn left.

要诚实,但不要畏缩不前或过于谦逊,如果你擅长某事,就照直说。Be honest, but don't hold back and be modest. If you are good at something, it's OK to say so.

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要诚实,但不要畏缩不前或过于谦逊,如果你擅长某事,就照直说。Be honest, but do not hold back and be modest . If you are good at something, it's OK to say so.

她走到我的那位先生跟前,倚到他怀里,拿起他的胳膊搂住自己的脖子,对着他的嘴唇照直亲了起来。She walked to my man, got up in his lap, put her arm round his neck, and kissed him right on the mouth.

我们开过场院,撇下牛、猪、鸡、狗和猫,爸爸照直朝我们的房子开去。We drove through our barnyard, passing cows, pigs, chickens, dogs and cats, but Dad headed straight for the house.

他照直沿着街走下去,碰到一个认识的查夜人在检查门户,还打了声招呼。"That was a mistake. " He walked steadily down the street, greeting a night watchman whom he knew who was trying doors.

当一个巨人朝她迎面走来的时候,照直从她的帽子里穿过去了,好像那只是个影子。and when a giant walking through the field brushed against her, he went straight through the hat as though it were a shadow.

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假如你当真恨我入骨,再也没有挽回的余地,那你一定会在咖苔琳夫人面前照直招认出来。Had you been absolutely, irrevocably decided against me, you would have acknowledged it to Lady Catherine, frankly and openly.

他照直沿着街走下去,碰到一个认识的查夜人在检查门户,还打了声招呼。他得出城去,而且要快。He walked steadily down the street, greeting a night watchman whom he knew who was trying doors. He must get out of the city, and that quickly.

一定的小心,痛苦或者麻烦对一个人来说是必要的,正如一艘船没有压舱物的话是不会照直线前行的。A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times . A ship without ballast is unstable and will not go straight.