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我的网友遍及全世界。I have many net-pals around the world.

而关于您的研究遍及海内外,如此浩瀚。When you're studied much at home and abroad.

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他的足迹遍及山南海北。He has left his footprints all over the land.

邮路遍及全国。A postal network now covers the whole country.

施釉三遍及均匀地遍布结晶体。Brush 3 coasts dispersing the crystals evenly.

王勇阿公旅游脚印遍及全球。Yong Kenyan tourism footprint spans the globe.

郑东平律师的客户遍及北美、欧洲及亚洲地区。His clients cover North America, Europe and Asia.

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和平的呼声遍及世界。The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.

感谢神,祂的慈爱遍及被人遗忘的老人。Praise God that He loves the oft-forgotten elderly.

火烈鸟就食的湖泊遍及非洲。Flamingos feeding lakes can be found throughout Africa.

城乡差别遍及整个衣阿华州。Urban-rural differences were widespread throughout Iowa.

避而出走,足迹遍及大江南北。Avoid flee, footprint in the great river north and south.

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公司创建于一九七七年,分公司遍及东南亚各地。Founded in 1977, branch offices throughout Southeast Asia.

所以,这其实变成了一种遍及欧洲的现象So, this really becomes a sort of European-wide phenomenon.

狮子会受到威胁遍及大部分非洲范围。Lions are threatened throughout most of their African range.

遍及一切亦显于一切之觉性智。The awareness wisdom, which pervades all and appears in all.

遍及英伦的这些棒极了的野花一点都不张扬。There's nothing stuck-up about the great English wild flower.

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芬克的人脉遍及华尔街和华盛顿。Mr. Fink's Rolodex reaches deep into Wall Street, and Washington.

我们的用户遍及全国及港澳地区。U. S. users all over the country and Hong Kong and Macao regions.

生源遍及加拿大及美国诸省。Students throughout the provinces of Canada and the United States.