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而这些人只是些小兵小卒。And that's a little fish.

“夏威夷就如象棋比赛中的一名小卒无足轻重,”他接着说。“Hawaii is like a pawn in a chess game, ” he added.

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在一定程度上,他们把人类当作奴隶或者小卒。To some degree, they look upon them as slaves or pawns.

日本现在是美国“亚洲轴心”策略中的一个准备进行政治切腹的小卒么?Is Japan now a pawn in US "pivot to Asia", committing political harakiri?

他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between Islam and the west.

珀西说他提拔了你这个默默无闻的小卒,他认为你是一块璞玉。Percy says he plucked you from obscurity and he thinks you're a diamond in the rough.

在银河系中没人知道贸易联盟只是一场更大棋局的小卒。What no one in the galaxy knew was that the Trade Federation was but a pawn in a much larger game.

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这些信贷资产被分割成一层一层的前线小卒,守卫着身后的国王和王后。These credit pools are divided into frontline tranches of pawns that defended the kings and queens.

他把整个股市看成一场棋局,为了求胜,牺牲个小卒也在所不惜。He just sees the market as a huge chessboard, moving and throwing away pawns to get to the final goal.

确实,从案件纪录看来,他不过是基地组织中的一个小卒而已,简直是个可怜虫。Indeed, his charge sheet portrays him as little more than an al-Qaeda foot-soldier, and a poor one at that.

安哥拉曾是冷战时期的鞍前小卒,如今却是努力造就非洲命运的测试品。Angola, once a cold-war pawn, can now serve as a kind of test case in the latest struggle to shape Africa's destiny.

高血压是血管性痴呆的危险因素,原因是一系列的小卒中引起脑功能损伤。High blood pressure is a known risk factor for vascular dementia, where brain function is damaged by a series of small strokes.

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尽管约翰认为他身负重任,但他实在只是一名小卒。这公司很大,而他只负责一个很小的部门。John is not a fast runner and he does not have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will stick out the race even if he finishes last.

有些人是这样认为的,而就我自己而言,我觉得在人生棋局中我不仅仅是个小卒。Some would like to believe so, as for myself, I would like to think that I have some kind of potential in becoming more than a pawn in a game of chess that we call life.

黑暗者提托迪奥斯是第一个服务者,也是基尔加丹的第一个把萨格拉斯的燃烧意志带到宇宙每个角落的完美小卒。First amongst the dreadlords was Tichondrius the Darkener. Tichondrius served Kil'jaeden as the perfect soldier and agreed to bring Sargeras' burning will to all the dark corners of the universe.