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杰克张口结舌,手足无措。Jack's tongue stands still.

难道,你没看到他手足无措的样子?Don't you see that he has losen his head?

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但是,最初在北京的几月委实让人感到手足无措。But his first few months in Beijing were a shock.

面对席卷而来的金融风暴,您是否手足无措?When confronted with financial storm, are you at a loss?

变化速度之快,令统计工作手足无措。The speed of change is rapid, the statistics bewildering.

该声明让投资者觉得憋屈和手足无措。The announcement left investors feeling wronged and wrong-footed.

这时我感觉到你不认识我。我开始手足无措,四肢凌乱起来。I am sensing that you don't know me. I am starting to feel awkward.

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当荣田等人手足无措时,至嬴主意向兄长说出真相。When RongTian etc, to manage to brother won idea to tell the truth.

当别人单刀直入时我就会手足无措,就想和人家干一架。I am flat-footed when someone comes right at me, angling for a fight.

在生人面前怕羞,过分紧张,脸部肌肉紧绷着,手足无措。Shy in front of strangers, too nervous, tense facial muscles, and loss.

一遇到跟女生有关的事我就手足无措,我一点也不知道该跟他们说什么好。I'm all at sea when it comes to girls. I never know what to say to them.

是你让我心烦意乱,手足无措,对着月亮长吁短叹。You got me chasin' rabbits, walkin' on my hands and howlin' at the moon.

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“咱们用不着玩具呀。”麦克梯格咕哝道,一边手足无措地看着她.。We've no use of toys , " muttered McTeague, looking at her in perplexity."

由于激动得手足无措,我三次错拨了弟弟的电话号码。In my fumbled excitement, I misdialed my brother's phone number three times.

如果你开始手足无措,你就开始紧张了。Ifyou start fidgeting with your leg you’ll soon start to feel nervous oranxious.

当妻子骂骂咧咧闯到房间来时,这个得了“气管炎”的男人便有些手足无措。The hen-pecked man was on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.

偌大的城市,孤零的我,似雷雨前的小燕儿一样手足无措。The big city, the lone i, like the small swallow as helpless before a thunderstorm.

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当妻子骂骂咧咧闯进房间时,这个得了“妻管严”的男人便有些手足无措。The hen-pecked man was on tenter-hooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.

演珍珠的莫根太太紧张得手足无措,荷格兰太太则吓得嗓子也沙哑了。Mrs. Morgan, as Pearl, was stiff with fright. Mrs. Hoagland was husky in the throat.

主任苍白了脸,用疯狂的目光四面望着,他羞愧得手足无措,非常痛苦。Pale, wild-eyed, the Director glared about him in an agony of bewildered humiliation.