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我会杀了他,当机立断。I would kill him, I wouldn't hesitate.

我们需要当机立断,攻破狱政改革这个难题。We need to grasp the nettle of prison reform.

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他说,形势危急,需要当机立断。He said the situation was dire and that time was of the essence.

一旦达成协议,当机立断结束谈判。When you have reached agreement, close the deal firmly and clearly.

我们必须当机立断,想办法解决医疗保险问题。We'll have to take the bull by the horns and tackle the Medicare question.

指挥的职责使他习惯于当机立断。The responsibility of command had habituated him to making quick decisions.

突然,在一个小缺口处,冒了一点泡泡,我当机立断,这有虾!Suddenly, in a small gaps, take a little bubble, I act decisively, this is shrimp!

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由于将军未能当机立断,我军已丧失了对敌采取行动的主动权。Because of the general's indecisiveness , our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.

改变要当机立断,要不然你只能耗费一年又一年的青春来进行痛苦地尝试了。Transformation can be a decision away or it can be a ongoing saga which ruins our life year after miserable year.

生命很快就过去了,一个时机从不出现两次。必须当机立断,不然就永远别要。Life passes quickly and opportunity never knocks twice. You must make a prompt decision, or you never want to get it.

傅来喜当机立断踏上了反动道路,“三哥哥当兵上前线,任务定在定边县”。Fu to hi resolutely embarked on the road of revolution, "three brother soldiers on the front, the task set in Dingbian."

为了本人、为了让王勇阿公完成本人年少时的幻想,拓海当机立断的容许。In order to himself, in order to make yong finish my youth enjoys the illusion of extension of the allowable horns, sea.

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我的老板考虑周全、当机立断、头脑开朗、所以这么多年来我一直在这儿干。My boss is thoughtful, decisive, open-minded, and career-oriented. That's why I have been working here for so many years.

现在市场正迫使欧洲领导人当机立断,就如何收拾主权债务危机残局做出决定。The market is now forcing European leaders to quickly decide how they want the rest of the sovereign debt crisis to play out.

成功人士总是当机立断地下结论,犹豫不决的人会使他们烦恼并感到麻烦。Successful people reach decisions definitely and quickly, and they become annoyed and are inconvenienced by others who do not.

其中一个人被辞退是因为他不果断,不能当机立断,就是不能马上做出决策。One of them was because he couldn't pull the trigger, get right up to the moment and make a decision, and just couldn't pull the trigger.

这可以得到的一个不幸的结论是,作为一个领导者,做决定,当机立断是,你很少会得到完全的信息。One unfortunate conclusion of all this about making decisions and decisiveness as a leader is that very rarely you have a complete knowledge.

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于是我当机立断,掏出折刀,用牙齿把它拉开,开始一股股地割断绳索,直剩下最后两股绳牵紧船身。With that I made my mind up, took out my gully, opened it with my teeth, and cut one strand after another, till the vessel swung only by two.

以前我总是羡慕别人的当机立断的决断能力,现在发现自己所谓的当机立断十有八九都是错误的决定。I used to act decisively envy other people's ability to make decisions, now finds himself so-called horns ten to one are all the wrong decision.

我告知你,今天是这次减价的最后一天。这种型号的车子,明天就要上涨一千美元。所以你不要当机立断,糟蹋时间。I tell you, don't let the grass grow under you feet--this is the last day of this sale and the price on this model goes up a thousand dollars tomorrow!