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他的父亲是五星上将。His father is five-star general.

您必须在签名簿上将他们签出。You need to sign the student out.

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纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。Admiral nelson was a naval officer.

美国海军第一个女上将。The first female admiral in the U.S. navy.

用刀在菜板上将它们切成片。And slice them with a knife on a cutting board.

她骗他们说她的父亲是位海军上将。She kidded them that her father was an admiral.

迈克皮克上将有关团队凝聚力的讲话触动人心。General McPeak speaks movingly of unit cohesion.

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他坐在Bob的肚子上将他打得昏死过去。He sits on Bob’s stomach and beats him senseless.

正在作情况介绍的海军上将拿起他的教鞭。The admiral giving the briefing took his pointer.

记得在行李上将行李条系牢。Remember to tie your baggage tags on your luggage.

阿达玛上将的母亲的职业是什么?What was the profession of Admiral Adama's mother?

在白色绘图纸上将编稿晒成蓝图。Paper and board . characteristics of drawing paper.

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课上将提供演示用活页纸和魔术笔。We will provide flip-chart paper and magic markers.

如果爱是战场,她就是个五星上将。If love is a battlefield, she's a five-star general.

“印度早就应该这样做,”奈克上将说。This is long overdue, " Air Chief Marshal Naik said."

阿达玛上将认为阿达尔总统是什么样的人?。What did Admiral Adama consider President Adar to be?

防具增强卷轴使用到项链上将不起作用。Scrolls of enchant armor will not work on these items.

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站在总统旁边的是一位五星上将。Standing beside the President was a five-star general.

我看到她在花展上将美味的饮料一饮而尽。I watched her drink in the displays in delicious gulps.

同穆伦上将一样,克劳利也呼吁中国行动起来。Like Admiral Mullen, Mr. Crowley called on China to act.