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院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.

问题在于说客应该扮演一个什么样的角色。The problem is the role that lobbyists have come to play.

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它还回绝了议员关于说客登记的要求。It also rebuffed MPs' demands for a register of lobbyists.

驻地的小姑娘水莲还主动当起了说客。Home of the little girl water lotus also served as lobbyists.

2000年至2006年,他一直是债券市场协会的说客。From 2000 to 2006, Roberson worked for the Bond Market Association.

向联邦政府伸手要钱的说客已经排成了一条长龙。There already is a long line of lobbyists bidding for federal money.

企业和同业工会正雇用民主党说客。Corporations and trade associations are recruiting Democratic lobbyists.

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但是华尔街的说客也能使这项法案失效。But Wall Street’s lobbyists may well succeed in blunting the bill’s impact.

那么我们连美军都是可以派上场的,务必让那些说客的利益不受损害嘛。We can even send US military in harms way to make sure those lobbyists are profitable.

弗兰克·威斯纳克,前驻埃及大使,并为埃及军队在华盛顿做说客。Wisner, the former ambassador to Egypt and a lobbyist in DC for the Egyptian military.

一些雇佣了说客的公司正在寻求研究开发方面的帮助。Some companies that have hired lobbyists are looking for research and development help.

汉克挚爱自然,所有的朋友都笑称他为环保说客。All of Hank's friends tease him about being a tree hugger because of his great love of nature.

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根据MoneyLine的报告显示,一月份以来,185个公司雇佣了致力于能源问题的说客。Since January, 185 companies hired lobbyists to work on energy issues, MoneyLine records show.

“他瞬间从一个天真的乡下男孩成为了一个必须随叫随到的人员,”她说,“媒体采访,接待说客,出席公众场合。“He went instantaneously from being a naïve country boy to being always in demand, ” she said.

辩论结束之后,三个候选人的说客团向媒体竭力推销,一个劲地述说自己这方的候选人为什么会获胜。After the debate the press was hustled by each candidates spinners saying why their man had won.

正如他对我们所说的,两党都允许“政治说客及政治献金来操控这个体系。”As he told us, both parties had allowed "lobbyists and campaign contributions to rig the system."

他对于国防部长和卫生部长的提名人最近一段时间都担任过说客。His nominees for deputy secretaries of defence and health have both recently worked as lobbyists.

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几位说客表示,直至本周,并未出台任何具体可信的提案发动他们助力债限之争。Several noted that until this week, there was no specific, credible proposal for them to help push.

还是说客,这么多的人来排着队来与我作对,我可是四面楚歌,鸿门宴是吗?Or lobbyists, so many people to be supplied to me and couplets, but I am besieged , Hongmenyan is it?

然而,改变当前系统的种种行动正被制药公司和他们的说客团所阻挠。Yet moves to change the current system are blocked by the drug companies and their armies of lobbyists.