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你出国打球,是和别人一样独自出去闯荡江湖,还是携家带口一起去?Do you take your family with you when you have to play overseas or you are alone like many others?

在灾难的折磨下,他携家带口来到萨利郡的一处乡间静居霍庄园。Overwhelmed by the catastrophe, he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey.

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今天是周日,很多人携家带口上街遛弯,或在北海公园里散步,或在湖上溜冰。It was a Sunday, and families were walking in the streets strolling through Beihai Park, skating on the lakes.

但由于受收入、户籍、住房、教育等约束,打工农民要携家带口在城市立足并非易事。But by income, household and housing, education, etc, with farmers to work with in the city's not easy foothold.

在周末或者公共假期里,高棉人携家带口来到狭小而拥挤的海滩上,为能坐着橡皮艇在海上漂浮一下感到心满意足。At weekends and on public holidays, Khmer families crowd the compact beach and float contentedly on rubber tubes.

尽管才26岁,人们已把他当作顾家的好男人,因为他经常携家带口在公共场合露面。Although he's just 26, people consider him a real family man because he's always in public with his wife and kids.

麦凯恩携家带口出现在了新罕布什尔州汽车赛的跑到上。此次来到全国汽车比赛协会的赛道上也是为了竞选争取更多的选票。John McCain has been campaigning for votes on the NASCAR circuit. He and his wife, Cindy, are attending a race at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway.

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例如,每年为期一周的印度科学大会更像是数千名科学家的户外活动,而不像一场科学会议,其中许多科学家携家带口。The annual week-long Indian Science Congress, for example, is more like an outing for thousands of scientists, many with families, than a scientific meeting.

所以某地有演戏的时候,人们往往会携家带口争相看戏,此村看完则奔赴他村。Therefore, there is acting a certain way, people tend to bring home with a mouth scramble to see them, then went to his reading of this village, the village.

如果你携家带口和朋友们来到那样的环境中,你会发现健康饮食不仅对自己颇为进益,也能给你带来味觉的享受。If you bring your family members and friends into an environment like that, you will see how eating healthy isn’t just good for your body, but a delight for your taste buds as well.