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分析它。Analyze it.

分析这个!Analyze this!

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什么,如果分析。What-if analysis.

分析你的怀疑。Analyze your doubt.

粒径分析?。Grain size analysis?

分析测试结果。Analyze test results.

空气锤破岩分析。Rock broken analysis.

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分析项目风险。Analyze project risks.

成本效益分析。Cost-benefit analysis.

努力做点自我分析。Try some self-analysis.

我们对一个句子作语法分析。We analysed a sentence.

宏微观分析。Macro and micro analysis.

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测试和分析工具。Test and profiling tools.

分析不够透彻。The analysis lacks depth.

什么是门户分析?What is portal analytics?

需求和分析。Requirements and analysis.

分析和解释数据。Analyze and interpret data.

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但是这些分析并没有使微软气馁。But Microsoft is undaunted.

所以他就变成了分析者。So he becomes the analyser.

可视景象分析?。VSA? Visual Scene Analysis?