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部队行进中发现谢孝彰尾随在后。Troops marched XieXiaoZhang tailing found in behind.

谢孝彰却在部队树立了稳定的“大众根底”,争得了军心。But in the army XieXiaoZhang set the stability of "the mass", achieved molecular woof.

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韩绍功无法不侮辱谢孝彰,为此谢孝彰以至企图自杀。HanShaoGong cannot not insult XieXiaoZhang, for this XieXiaoZhang that suicide attempts.

谢孝彰每天都在研讨、推演同古战役的停顿和局势。XieXiaoZhang every day in the discussion, ching with ancient battle pause and situation.

谢孝彰急迫希望建功立业,申请随韩团同行。XieXiaoZhang urgent hope building a solid career, application with Korea regiment together.

袁顾问来到了印度,谢孝彰与他交谈,并问他此行的深意。Yuan to India, XieXiaoZhang consultant and talked to him, and asked the listener his visit.

困难的作战条件让谢孝彰不但毫无建树,而且遭受重挫。Difficult combat conditions to let XieXiaoZhang not only useless, and suffered heavy defeat.

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韩绍功和谢孝彰是一对中年男人,同在远征军第五军退役。HanShaoGong and XieXiaoZhang is a middle-aged man, always expeditionary force fifth army retired.

韩绍功对此非常生气,和谢孝彰扭打了起来,责怪他不该作如此错误的决策。This is very angry, and HanShaoGong XieXiaoZhang scuffle up, blame he shouldn't be so wrong decisions.

试图来重庆大展雄图的谢孝彰,却发现军政部并非人世天堂。Trying to chongqing exhibition of XiongTu XieXiaoZhang, but found stratocracy department is not died paradise.

谢孝彰终于借韩绍功面临的灾难摆平了对方,使其同意同去印度。XieXiaoZhang finally borrow HanShaoGong face disaster outdueled the each other, make its agree with go to India.

何小健,安智全,谢孝兴,姜朝来用可膨胀髓内钉固定治疗肱骨干骨折的疗效分析★。He X. -J. , An Z. -Q. , Xie X. -X. , Jiang C. -L. Outcomes of expandable nailing system for humeral shaft fractures.

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谢孝彰和姚二林交流打完仗后的想法,姚二林规划得蛮好,谢孝彰表示了赞扬。XieXiaoZhang and yao finished after two Lin exchange of ideas, yao by two Lin planning quite well, XieXiaoZhang has praised.

春节的前一天,谢孝彰启程重庆,韩得到了保存军衔降职为“连长”的处分。The Spring Festival eve, XieXiaoZhang departure chongqing, Korea got rank demoted for "save the company commander" punishment.

谢孝彰发现,因人性的自私和国度利益缘由,英国人真实难以希望,我军应早做打算。XieXiaoZhang found, because human selfishness and kingdom interests, British real hard to reason, our army should do hope to earlier.

谢孝彰受孙立人将军的约请赴新三十八师接任副师长,绍功震惊于他的野心,回绝了与他结合。By XieXiaoZhang SunLiRen general invitation to new 38 division vice teachers, but shona took reactive shocked at his ambitions, rebuffed and he combined.

谢孝彰在监狱里绝食,韩绍功来看他,并运用激将法,通知他师长曾经任命她为一个排长,跟着韩绍功作战。XieXiaoZhang hunger strike in jail, HanShaoGong came to see him and using dared, informed his teachers had her appointment as a platoon, followed HanShaoGong operations.