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现代刑事司法改革进程见证了诸多的司法不公和冤假错案。Modern criminal judicial reform witnesses many judicature unfairness and miscarriages of justice.

最终,殖民政府承认这是冤假错案,并给予受害者家庭赔偿。Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted.

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同时,其实践意义是可以保障人权,避免犯罪认定的扩大化而导致的冤假错案。At the same time, its practical significance is the protection of human rights, to avoid miscarriage caused by the expansion of crime.

直诉作为我国古代发现和纠正冤假错案的一项重要制度,其历史可以溯源至西周。In ancient China Zhisu is an important system which discover and correct injustices, and its history can be traced back to the XiZhou Dynasty.

尤其是当案件经过反复发回重审,最后仍然被证明是冤假错案的时候,其恶劣影响对法律权威乃至对法治的冲击更是致命的。Especially, when a case is retried again and again, and proved unjust finally, it will be a fatal impact on law authority as well as nomocracy.

苏联的文化政策曾经历了一个由极左滑向极右的过程,先是对“持不同政见”的作家采取高压政策,制造了不少冤假错案。In the extreme left period, the Soviet Union practised a high-handed policy towards dissident writers and made lots of framed-up and wrong cases.

在众人的逼问下,道士说出实情,原来他也是因为国家暗无天日,他的一家遭受冤假错案,为了复仇所以才这样做的。When pressed, he told the truth, he is because his family suffered from complete darkness, miscarriages of justice, in order to revenge so to do so.

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因此,我国急需建立一个刑事申诉的筛选机制,并通过这个机制将冤假错案输入到再审系统。Therefore, it is urgent for our country to establish a screening mechanism through which the wrongly-charged cases can be put into the retrial system.

结合这些年不断出现的冤假错案,人们开始反思出现冤情的原因。Concerning about the continuous emergence of falsely and unjustly repudiated cases, people begin to reconsider the reasons for the emergence of grievance.

1978年后,他的谨慎与专长使改革置于坚实的基础之上,他致力于平反干部的冤假错案从而有助于改革开放的成功。After 1978 his caution and expertise helped put reform on a solid basis and his dedication to the rehabilitation of cadres helped make Reform and Opening a success.

他们为什么忽视美国和英国等实行陪审团制度的国家比不实行陪审团制度的大陆法系国家有更多的为人所知的冤假错案这个事实呢?Why do they ignore that there are more known miscarriages of justice in jury countries such as the United States and Great Britain than in continental nonjury countries?

言之凿凿的性别歧视的控告,恶劣监狱环境的指控和其他的一些冤假错案都毫无根据的按例驳回了。Well-founded sex-discrimination claims, challenges to cruel prison conditions and other lawsuits involving wronged human beings are routinely being rejected without basis.

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一方面刑讯逼供不仅是导致冤假错案的直接原因,另一方面刑讯逼供也使得公安司法机关在人民心目中的形象、权威受损。On the one hand, confession by torture is not only the efficient amse to many miscarriage of justice cases, but also damages the image of relative police and legal machinery.

这一举措是在一个冤假错案引起公愤后出台的,一名男子由于受尽折磨而承认了一桩杀人案,在监狱中度过了十年后才得以释放。The move follows outrage over a case that saw a man freed recently after spending ten years in jail for a murder he'd been tortured into admitting. Michael Bristol reports from Beijing.

刑讯逼供不仅是导致冤假错案的直接原因,另一方面刑讯逼供也使得公安司法机关在人民心目中的形象、权威受损。Inquisition by torture not only directly results in the unjust or wrong cases, but makes the image and authority of the public security and judicial organs greatly decreased to the people's mind.